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anxiety disorder
excessive fears and/or anxiety for future real and hypothetical threats and no clear present threats
a specific fear
panic disorder
suffered at least one panic attack and worried about more of them
Social anxiety disorder
fear/anxiety around social sitatuions
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
excessive anxiety or worry without cause
sad, empty, irritable feeling or worthlessness
major depressive disorder
suffered more than one major depressive episodes
bipolar disorder
cyclic mood episodes between poles of depression and mania
Bipolar 1 disorder
intense mania huge upswings followed by big crash
Bipolar II Disorder
manic phases less extreme more depression driven
A mental disorder characterized by abnormal thinking, hallucinations, delusions, and difficulty in distinguishing between reality and fantasy. It often includes social withdrawal and impaired cognitive function.
Exposure to a traumatic event resulting in intensive fear or horror
Personality Disorder
personality traits that deviate from the norm and inflexible behaviours with high comorbidity
Cluster A
(weird behaviours) milder versions of schizophrenia
Paranoid PD, Schizoid PD, Schizotypal PD
Cluster B
(Wild) over the top or unstable
Antisocial PD, Borderline PD, Histrionic PD, Narcissistic PD
Cluster C
(worry), anxiety or OCD related
Paranoid PD
Manifest paranoid tendencies and mistrusts and misinterprets others and their motives
Schizoid PD
a loner with little interest or involvement in close relationships and doens’t care about interactions with others
Schizotypal PD
manifests odd behaviour and distorted thinking
Antisocial PD
sociopathy with no regard for right or wrong or others rights, aggressions against people and animals, breaking the rules
Borderline PD
terrified of abandonment by others, inability in impulse control, mood, and image of self and others
Histrionic PD
Wants to be the centre or attention, seeks attention
Narcissistic PD
inflated sense of self and lack of empathy
Avoidant PD
very shy, fear of rejection and feels inferior
Dependent PD
over dependence on people to meet needs and needs to be taken care of by others and very submissive
Obsessive Compulsive PD
rigid concern with order and perfectionism and won’t comply with authority unless things are done his way
obsessions of uncontrollable thoughts or impulses that cause anxiety or compulsions of repetitive mental and physical behaviours in order to reduce threat
Somatic Symptom Disorder
distress by persistent physical symptoms and concerns which can mimic a disease but aren’t real, always think are sick, lots of distress and disrupt daily life
Illness Anxiety Disorder
mainly psychological, have an unrealistic fear that they have a serious medical condition or fear that they're at high risk of becoming ill.
Conversion Disorder
physical and sensory problems, such as paralysis, numbness, blindness, deafness or seizures, with no underlying neurologic pathology
Factitious Disorder
fabricated an illness but gone to falsify evidence or symptoms of illness
Dissociative Disorder
disruptions to awareness, memory, and identity are extreme and frequent triggered by severe stress
Dissociative Identity Disorder
alternates between 2 or more distinct identities which only one interacts with other people
Dissociative Amnesia
at least one episode of forgetting some important personal info and creating gaps in memory related to severe stress of trauma
Depersonalization Disorder
recurring or persistent feeling of being cut off or detached from body, out of body experience
Derealization Disorder
feels that people and objects in external world are not real, detached from from surrounding
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
manifest early in development, hard to treat, characterized by intellectual development and communication disorders
Motor restlessness, difficulty paying attention, distractibility, impulsive
complex can be minor or extreme, impaired social interaction, repetitive movements, inability to play with kids
Neurocognitive disorder
cognitive decline from previous level in learning, memory, language, motor and social skills
Alzheimers Disease
destruction and death of nerve cells causing memory failure, personality change, and problem carrying out normal activity has two abnormal structures amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles
Amyloid Plaques
clumps of proteins fragments that build up outside of cell
Neurofibrillary tangles
clumps of altered proteins inside cell
Parkinson’s disease
due to low dopamine levels, dopaminergic neurone in substantial nigra of the basal ganglia die off harder to control movements, build of of lewy bodies in neurons
Sleep-wake disorder
disturbance in quality, timing or amount of sleep
cant fall asleep
periodic, overwhelming sleepiness during day
sleep apnea
intermittent stoppage of breathing which results in repeated awakening
abnormality in amount, quality, or timing of sleep
sleep walking, happens during stage 3, grown out of for children n
night terrors
screaming while in deep sleep happen in stage 3 (nightmares happen in REM)P
abnormal behaviours that happen during sleep
LSD, Weed, distorts perception
Caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine, increase availability and action of neurotransmitters
Alcohol, barbiturates, opiates, depress the CNS
develops when a person needs to use it in order to function normally
happens when a person must use more of a drug to achieve the desired effect
symptoms that occur when a person formed a dependance to a drug and then doens’t get it or enough of it
compulsive drug use despite its harmful consequences and cant stop
awareness that we have of our selves, internal states, and environment, needed to do complex tasks but less so for easier tasks
Recticular Activating System
alertness and arousal in brain
8-12 Hz and associated with relaxed normal consciousness
12.5-30 Hz more alert consciousness
3-7 Hz meditative states and stage 1 sleep
0.5-3 Hz occurs during slow wave sleep
Circadian Rhythm
control the increase and decrease in our alertness in predictable ways over 24 hrs
During sleep our sleep urge goes down
during awake our sleep need goes up but in mid afternoon sleep urge goes up for a nap but goes down again
3 physiological indicators of mammalian circadian rhythm
Melatonin release by pineal gland, body temp, and serum cortisol levels
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
in the hypothalamus regulates sleep, melatonin production in pineal gland, body temp
state of consciousness in which attention is more focused and peripheral is reduced and highly suggestible and easily convinced
a person induces a mode of consciousness for a purpose
lower frequency alpha and theta waves, improved health, concentration
Light sleep non rem sleep
increased relaxation, decrease temp/HR/respiration
heart and digestion slow, growth hormone secreted deepest sleep stage 4 has physical repair
when dreams happen Sle
Sleep spindle
high oscillations in EEG, happens in Stage 2
happens in stage 2 and is a big spike