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measure circadian activity in mice by counting the number of wheel rotations (activity)
nocturnal but most active at dawn and dusk eg mice
Siffre’s cave, 1972
effect of no sunlight, constant temp on circadian rhythm
emerged after 179 days thinking 151 days
circadian rhythm lengthened
6am to midday circadian rhythm
cortisol released → rapidest increase in blood pressure, high alertness
18 to 24 hours
body temp reaches peak → highest blood pressure → melatonin secretion
suprachiasmatic nucleus
receives info directly from eye
rhythm reset by amount of light entering the eye
effect of light on melatonin
inhibits melatonin release from pineal gland
photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (pRGCs)
Connect to optic nerve. Contain melanopsin receptor which detects blue light (450 to 480nm)
How does melatonin work?
Antioxidant which donates protons to free radicals. Indirectly synthesises antioxidants eg glutathiones, SOD and glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase
two-component oscillators
circadian rhythm can affect animal behaviours through changes in gene expression in the SCN over the circadian day. Effects on predator/prey populations
D. Melanogaster study
larvae usually emerge at night
mutagenesis → eclosion mutants
PERIOD gene isolated
Per accumulates overnight inhibiting its own gene’s transcription
basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors eg Clock-Bmal1/Per-CRY
heterodimers which bind E-box motifs in target gene promoters
Per-Cry cycle (24 hours)
increased transcription via Clock, Bmal1 and Npas2 → Per and Cry accumulation → reduced transcription → degradation of repressors → cycle restarts
peripheral effects of circadian rhythms
dip in blood pressure
motility of GI tract, acid secretion and mucosa maintenance
Clock-KO mice have kidney pathology
modulation of Clock-Bmal1 DNA binding activity
NAD+:NADH ratio
energy/redox state influences circadian rhythm?
Describe familial advanced sleep phase disorder (FASPD)
sleep disorder w/ early habitual wake and sleep times
tired in early afternoon
What causes FASPD?
autosomal dominant missense mutation in PER2 gene which prevents phosphorylation by casein kinases I-delta and I-epsilon
define circadian rhythms
physiological and behavioural oscillations regulated on a 24 hour cycle which persists in the absence of environmental cues
Parkinson’s disease and circadian rhythm
PD neurodegeneration → circadian dysfunctions inc Bmal and Per gene alterations and changes in secretion of melatonin and cortisol → insomnia and excessive daytime sleep
sleep-wake disorders in Alzheimers patients
in over 50% of patients, usually increased sleep latency, nocturnal awakening, excessive daytime naps