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Broad and Inclusive
- Globalization means the onset of the borderless world.
   - early as 15th century may globalization na.
   - May process kaya may Human Connection.
Narrow and Exclusive -
The characteristics of the globalization trend include the internationalizing of production (nag kakaroon na ng uniform/standard for products), the new international division of labor, new migratory movements from South to North(Migrants), the new competitive environment that accelerates these processes and the internationalizing of the state making states into agencies of the globalizing world.
(McGrew, 2003).
Globalization - refers to a multidimensional set of social processes that create, multiply, stretch, and intensify worldwide social interdependencies and exchanges while at the same fostering in people a growing awareness of deepening connections between the local and the distant
(Justine Rosenberg).
Globalization as a phenomenon gave rise to the interconnectedness of human society that replaced the sovereign state system with multilateral system of global governance
Ritzer (2008)
, he described this phenomenon as the spread of worldwide practices, relations, consciousness, and organization of social life. The interconnectedness of social segments from macro institutions to the smallest sectors of the world have coincided the fabrics of globalization.
simply puts it as a social process of reshaping and remaking the world order.
as a theory lies in the works of many 19th and 20th century scholars and intellectuals like Karl Marx, MacKinder, and Robertson who began to introduce the term “globality”.Â
However, it was in the 1960’s and 1970’s when this term gained worldwide attention.
Forces and Drivers of Globalization
-Individuals and Institution
Americanization -
Adaption of culture, belief values, etc of America
Globalization -
pang GLobal kasi
Westernization -
adapting the practices, cultures of Westerns
What are the Globalization Theories
Realism- Â
POWER, Distribution of Power.(walt, 1998 & synder 2004)Basta ang sinsasabi rito ay nag dodominate na isang power for ex: Japan-Technology, Singapore- Technology, Russia- Military, China- Military
Idealism -
Interact, Partnership sa same ideas, belief, culture, tradition values.(Alexander Wendt and Hugh Ruggie) (For ex: Middle East- same belief mga yan eh like MUSLIM sila. Kaya mag kaka sundo mga countries diyan
- Negotiation, Democracy free from comm with other nations
Creation and Multiplication
of social networks and cultural activities which break the traditional norms and practices in the political, economic, and cultural realms of most communities
Expansion and Stretching
of social operations and connections which is seen in the financial markets and trading operations around the globe. (Examples: World Trade Organization, ASEAN Economic Community, World Economic Forum and European Union)
Intensification and Acceleration
of human activities which describes the process of world and individual connection works. Consumer markets and consumerism continue to rule in this postmodern era where the farthest have the access to reach the central portion of global events.
Consciousness and Awareness
. People, as the primary actors of globalization are the front liners as reflected in their experiences. The human consciousness is critical on how they impact the growing outcomes and markets of globalization.