The oneness of God
Surah 112 - ‘He is Allah. the One’
Risalah (Prophethood)
Represents the various ways Allah communicates with humanity through prophets and messengers.
What is Adam’s role and importance?
Adam is considered the first prophet & first human being created by Allah, ‘caretaker of the earth
Taught about Iblis
What is Ibrahim’s role and importance?
Recognised for his unwavering faith in Allah and his role as a model of submission to God's will
Rebuilt Ka’aba and was ready to sacrifice son to Allah
What is the role and importance of Muhammad?
Muhammad is the final prophet in Islam, known as the Seal of the Prophets
He received the Qur'an from Allah and is regarded as a model for Muslim behaviour
Six Articles of Faith - Sunni
1)Belief in One God
2)Belief in Predestination
3)Belief in Angels
4)Belief in Prophets
5)Belief in Holy Books
6)Belief in the Day of Judgement
5 Roots of Usal ad-Din - Shi’a
1)Tawhid - Oneness of God
2)Adalat - divine justice
3)Nubuwwah - the Prophets
4)Immamate - authority of the Imams
5)Al Ma’ad - Day of Resurrection
Similarities of Sunni & Shi’a
believe in Prophets
Differences of Sunni & Shi’a
Shi’a puts head on brick
Shi’a fast longer to make sure the Sun has set
Angels Roles -MR PJT
Record Keepers
Judgement day
Taking souls
Nature of Angels - COIR
Created by Allah = no free will
Immortal & Invisible
Records Actions
Angel Jibril (Gabriel) - Archangel
the angel who replayed the Qur’an to Muhammad
God’s communicator to Muhammad
Angel Mika’il (Michael) - Archangel
rewards those for the good they’ve done
Akhirah (Life after Death) - Human Responsibility & Accountability
Free Will
Deeds recorded
Judgement Day
Akhirah - Resurrection
Life after Death
Trumpet blown - Israfil will start Day of Judgement
Akhirah - Heaven (Jannah)
Reward for Good
Peace & Happiness
Akhirah - Hell (Jahannam)
Punishment for evil
Fire & Pain
Holy Books
Scrolls of Adam
Qur’an Revelations & Authority
Revelation - Allah’s words, Angel Jibril, Final revelation
Authority - Guidance, rules over other texts
Scrolls of Adam & their authority (FLO)
First revelation
Lost over time
Overruled by later scriptures
The Imamate in Shi’a Islam - Role & Significance (LPG)
Leaders - Chosen by Allah, 12 of them
Protect the faith
Guide Muslims
Always kind
Treats everyone equally
Justice (Adalat - Shi’a)
Always just, never wrong
Close, involved with everything
Beyond or above human range