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Off the boat at right angles to the center line.
A drift
Unattached to shore or bottom, floating out of control.
Near or toward the stern.
A ground
Touching or stuck on the bottom.
The direction towards the bow of the boat; in front of the boat; moving in a forward direction.
Aids to navigation
Charted objects used to assist in determining position, safe course, or to warn of dangers (e.g., buoys, beacons).
All around light
A light showing an uninterrupted arc of 360° on the horizon.
Mid shift
In or near the middle of the boat.
Device used to secure a boat to the bottom of a body of water.
Suitable or designated place where boats anchor.
Direction toward the stern; behind a boat; moving in reverse.
Automatic Information System (AIS)
An automatic tracking system used for collision avoidance on vessels.
To remove water by scooping it out with a bucket.
Anything that serves as a signal or indication for guidance or warning; a fixed non-floating aid to navigation.
Maximum width of the boat; a horizontal athwartship support of the deck.
Horizontal direction of an object from an observer expressed as an angle; 2. A device for supporting a rotating shaft with minimum friction.
A bed or a place for mooring your boat in a harbor or port.
Beneath the deck.
To make faster a sale to a spar or stay; a knot to secure a line to another line or object.
Lowest part of a boat.
Boulder fatigue
Fatigue caused by exposure to noise, vibration, sun, glare, wind, and other motion on the water.
A horizontal spar used to hold the bottom of a sail.
Forward, end of a boat.
Bow line
Line used at the bow of a vessel.
A knot used to form an eye or loop in the end of a line.
Braided rope
Rope fibers interwoven and laid in clockwise and counterclockwise directions; has a hard core and braided layers.
Bridge clearance
Vertical clearance under a bridge at mean high water.
Bridge communications
Used for navigation communication between large commercial vessels.
A length of line or wire rope secured at both ends or a secure loop for attachment.
To turn a boat broadside to wind or waves, subjecting it to possible capsizing.
Anchored floating device used as an aid to navigation.
The upward force exerted by a fluid on a body or object in that fluid.