Ogihara and Uchida - Date
What is Westernization?
When other countries start developing Western values and ideologies
What is the aim of Ogihara and Uchida's study?
To investigate how a change in values might be influencing the subjective well-being of young Japanese students
Ogihara and Uchida - Procedure
Questionnaire with likert scale about individualism then well-being
Ogihara and Uchida - Results
Negative correlation between Individualism in Japanese students and subjective well-being
Becker et al - Date
Becker et al - Aim
To study the effect of westernization (brought by TV) on eating attitudes of Fijian girls
When was TV first introduced to Fiji?
When did Becker et al.’s procedure take place?
1995 and 1998
Becker et al - participants
Indigenous Fijian teenage girls
Becker et al - Procedure
Used EAT and semi-structured interviews to evaluate Fijian girls on their body-image and eating habits/attitudes
Eating Attitudes Test (scores above 20 indicate risk of developing an eating disorder)
Becker et al: percentage of EAT scores above 20 (1995)
Becker et al: percentage of EAT scores above 20 (1998)
Becker et al: Relationship between TV in home and EAT score
Girls with a TV in their home were 3x more likely to have an EAT score above 20
Becker et al: Vomiting after eating percentages (1995)
Becker et al: Vomiting after eating percentages (1998)
Becker et al: Reported percentage of dieting behavior
Becker et al: Reported percentage of body image issues
Lyons-Padilla et al - Date
Lyons-Padilla et al - Aim
To study the relationship between acculturation strategies, identity and extremism
Lyons-Padilla et al - participants
200 first and second generation Muslim immigrants in the US
Lyons-Padilla et al - Procedure
A questionnaire using Likert scale to assess marginalization, significance loss, interpretations of Islam, and support for fundamentalism.
Lyons-Padilla et al - Results (marg + sig)
Highly significant relationship between marginalization and feelings of significance loss
Lyons-Padilla et al - Results (sig + rad)
Highly significant relationship between significance loss and radical interpretation of Islam
Lyons-Padilla et al - Results ( sig + support)
Postive correlation between significance loss and support/sympathy for Fundamentalist group
Lyons-Padilla et al - Results (integration + sig)
Integration had a strong negative correlation with significance loss