proximal phalanges
middle phalanges
distal phalanges
how to number phalanges
start with thumb to pinky and start with big toe to little toe
fibula head
fibula lateral malleolus
lateral condyle tibia
medial condyle tibia
intercondylar eminence tibia
tibial tuberosity
medial malleolus tibia
femur head
neck femur
greater trochanter femur
lesser trochanter femur
medial condyles femur
lateral condyles femur
medial epicondyles femur
lateral epicondyles femur
intercondylar fossa femur
patellar surface
phalanges proximal
phalanges middle
phalanges distal
neck radius
radius head
radial tuberosity
ulnar notch
styloid process radius
trochlear notch
olecranon process
coronoid process fossa
radial notch
styloid process ulna
humerus head
greater tubercle
lesser tubercle
anatomical neck
surgical neck
deltoid tuberosity
medial epicondyle humerus
lateral epicondyle humerus
olecranon fossa
coronoid fossa
what is tubercle?
what is trochanter?
what is tuberosity?
both arms and legs
What does olecranon mean?
what does coronoid mean?
coronal suture
sagittal suture
squamous suture
occipital suture
superorbital foremen
superorbital margin
parietal bone
nasolacrimal canal
criboform plate
perpendicular plate
middle nasal conchae
external auditory canal
mastoid process
zygomatic process
styloid process
mandibular fossa
jugular foramen
carotid canal
internal auditory canal
stella turcica
optic canal
superior orbital fissure
greater vs lesser wing
foramen ovale
foramen spinosum
mandible body
mandibular notch
alveolar process
palatine process
infraorbital foramen
palatine bone
nasal bone
temporal process
zygomatic arch
foramen magnum
occipital condyle
vertebral body
spinous process
transverse process
vertebral foramen
inferior articular facets
superior articular facet
cervical transverse foramen