French Revolution

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What is the Ancein Regime

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A level history french revolution topics, edexcel

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What is the Ancein Regime

a sociopolitical system which existed in most of Europe and in France before 1789- it followed a system of absolutism in which the monarch has total control over government (parlements)

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what was the lit de justice (bed of justice)

a particular formal session of the Parlement of Paris, under the presidency of the King of France, for the compulsory registration of the royal edicts and to impose his sovereignty

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what was the difference between unprivileged and privileged in France

The unprivileged payed tax and were badly treated

The privileged don’t pay tax and were treated well

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What was the assembly of the clergy?

a meeting of the clergy that took place every 5 years to decide how money would be spent and divide the burdens placed on the Church by the monarchy, as well as defending the church against taxation

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what was the first estate (who/how many)

made up of: bishops - 139 monks - 25,000 nuns - 40,000 lower clergy - 50,000

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what was the second estate (who/how many)

nobility - around 350,000

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what was the third estate (who/how many)

everyone else in society, including the bourgeoisie, merchants, traders and the peasantry - around 24,500,000

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What percentage of the population were peasants


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What were the privileges of the first estate?

  • bishops/archbishops had higher incomes

  • power of censorship over Church critics

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what was the income of the archbishop of Strasbourg compared to parish priests?

AB of Strasbourg - 400,000 livres p.annum

parish priests - 700-1,000

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what were members of the first estate exempt from

  • taxation (the Church payed an annual payment of <5% of their income, although they could afford a lot more)

  • only subject to Church laws, not civil ones

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what were the privileges of the second estate

  • tried in special courts

  • right to free hunting and fishing

  • right of monopolies

  • got feudal dues

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what were members of the second estate exempt from?

  • military service

  • taxation

  • paying the gabelle (form of tax)

  • corvĂ©e (forced labour)

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burdens of the first estate

unpopular with general population due to collection of tithes

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burdens of second estate

resented by 1st estate and had to support the King

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what were the burdens of the third estate

  • taxation

  • tithes

  • feudal dues, including corvĂ©e

  • tried in seigneurial courts where a lord is judge and jury

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what were lettres de cachet

blank arrest warrants

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what problems can be associated with Louis’ powers (taxation, military, laws, appointing intendants)

all the negative results that come about due to failures in these areas reflect back on Louis

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Hierarchy under the French Administrative system

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What systems were in place in each of France’s administrative divisions

  1. Pays d'èlections: a local intendant governs the finance of each state

  2. Pays d'etats: a representative assembly of all estates divide the taxes by parish or diocese

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What are the Parlements?

 local courts/councils; by the 1780s there were 13 situated in regional administrative centres.

They are not elected, nor did they make laws, members were important local nobles and higher clergymen like Bishops. They ensured the population partook in their civic duties and persecuted those who didn’t.

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What threat did Parlements pose on Louis

Parlements could refuse to register and implement laws created by the King if they felt they went against traditions of the Ancien Regime.

Although he could issue a lit de justice if this happened, it was a massive struggle to enforce the law without the support of the Parlements.

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What could Parlement do with remonstrances on proposed laws

They could send remonstrances back to the King; these were supposedly private but could be made public by the Parlements to rally public opinion.

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Direct tax; on land and proportional to the amount that you own.

(third estate)

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Direct tax; depending on wealth, property and status- the wealthier you were, the more you paid

(second and third, the first were exempt so long as they paid an annual fee called the don gratuit (free gift))

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direct tax; income tax equivalent to 1/20th of a peroso’s income

(in theory everyone, but in reality the first and second estates could pay a don gratuit instead)

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indirect tax; on salt, which was need to preserve food

(third estate)

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indirect tax; on tobacco

(anyone purchasing Tabacco)

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Baron de Montesquieu

Theory of separation of powers- an organizational structure where responsibilities, authority and powers are divided between groups, rather than being controlled centrally

He Challenged the Estates system and wanting the abolishment of absolutism 

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Jean-Jacques Rosseau

Believed societal structures led to an erosion of equality and freedom, as well as criticizing aristocracy, royalty, and religion

He believed that humans are inherently good and free and that any government that does not serve the will of the people violates it legitimacy

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Denis Diderot

Advocated the open mind and believed that doubt was the beginning of wisdom. He continually questioned his own ideas and beliefs
"Our true opinions are those to which we approach most often"

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Believed in freedom of religion and expression
He wanted the separation of Church and State

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French cafes/salons

Where people spread ideas, built plans, and discussed revolutionary ideas; catalysed by the American war of independence.

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