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Spanish Colonial
Refers to the period from 1521 to 1898 marked by Spanish rule and influence in the Philippines.
Lowland Christian Art
Art that combines elements of Christianity and local culture, seen prominently in architecture, sculpture, music, literature, and visual arts.
Plaza Complex
The town center designed to include a municipio (local government office) and a church.
Cruciform Churches
Churches built in the shape of a Latin cross.
Baroque Style
An architectural style characterized by grandeur, drama, and elaborate details designed to appeal to the emotions.
Colonial Baroque
Fusion of native and European elements in architecture.
A building material made from clay and straw, commonly used in church construction to enhance earthquake resistance.
Carved religious icons that blend Western and Chinese features with classical Greek and Roman styles.
A decorative altarpiece integrating architecture and sculpture, often adorned with rosettes and ornamental elements.
Via Crucis
A series of 14 artworks representing Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.
Trompe l'oeil
A painting technique that creates the optical illusion of three dimensions.
Carved figurative protrusions in sculpture.
Organic designs made of hammered silver.
A traditional genre of Filipino love songs often conveying themes of resignation and fatalism.
A form of musical theater from Spain featuring singing, dancing, and prose dialogue.
A theatrical portrayal of the passion and death of Christ, usually performed in verse.
A dramatic piece depicting conflicts between Christians and Muslims during the Spanish colonial period.
Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Yslas Filipinas
The first scientific map of the Philippines, created in 1734 by Fr. Pedro Murillo Velarde and his collaborators.
Flora de Filipinas
An extensive collection of Philippine plants documented by Augustinian botanist Fr. Manuel Blanco.
Miniaturist Style
A painting style characterized by meticulous detail, typically indicating the wealth and refinement of the subject.
Letras y Figuras
A painting style that combines the names of individuals with vignettes of everyday life.
Academic Paintings
Artworks that adhere to European academic painting styles, emphasizing techniques like chiaroscuro.
A famous painting by Juan Luna that won a gold medal at the Madrid Exposition.
Genre Paintings
Art depicting scenes from everyday life, usually featuring ordinary people engaged in work or leisure activities.