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Features of the existing poor law
organised around the parish
rich paying poor rates for impotent, able bodied and idle poor
worked well in rural society around system of deference
What were the general problems with the Old poor law? (5)
worked in a rural society not an industrial one as (industrial and agricultural revolution)
population growth in cities- too many unemployed people =strain on system (when economic recession - hundreds made redundant and poor relief sky rocketed
only receive poor law in place of birth- migration to cities means transport cost- high (287,000 year)
Speenhamland system 1795- topped up low wages through the poor releif- but encourage employers to reduce wages as knew it would be compensated
sense of community breaking down- emergence of capitalist agriculture as farmers got richer
system not uniform - some outdoor relief some indoor
What was the intellectual case for change?
1820: dominant view was the old poor law encouraged idleness, didn’t have the incentive to work
Speenhamland system
Thomas Malthus 'An essay on the principle of population' 1798- population expanding too fast/food running out and poor law making situation worse
Immoral: rewarding the underserving poor whilst hardworking landowners/farmers paid poor rates
Utilitarians - followers of Jeremy Bentham ‘less eligibility’ concept - make conditions so unpleasant only needy would claim PL - prevent idleness
J.R Mulloch in 1830 ‘Principles of Political Economy’ and Edwin Chadwick - support view
Worrying pop growth.- poor had more children knowing poor law would provide (Malthus)
What were the economic reasons for change/who disliked it?
Cost= too high
1795- total cost for all parishes= 2m
1830- almost 8m
Dislike by upper/middle classes paying rate
When was the poor law commission set up, who led it and what did they do?
1832- led by Erwin Chadwick main aim- saving money and making system uniform across England and Wales
condemned outdoor relief
heard evidence but already made its mind- commissioner Nassau Senior wrote report before evidence collected
What did the 1834 Poor law report conclude (commission)
Old poor law primary cause of of poverty
Scaving of outdoor relief - it was early abused and able bodied poor taking advantage of work
What recommendations did the committee make?
Outdoor relief phased out for able bodied poor (some cases to sick and old)
Relief in workhouses - impotent/able bodied poor
conditions unattractive as possible - more miserable than life of the poorest labourer outside (encourage self help/reduce idleness)
Parishes grouped into unions: over 600 poor law unions with locally elected board of guardians set up to have own workhouses
What happened to recommendations of the Committee?
Recommendations of report: became provisions of PLAA 1834