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When was the Book of Canons introduced to Scotland?
When was the English Prayer Book introduced to Scotland?
When was Laud appointed Archbishop of Canterbury?
When was the Root and Branch petition presented to Parliament?
December 1640
How many Londoners signed the R&B petition?
Which Toleration Act ended the requirement of compulsory attendance at the national church’s services?
1650 Toleration Act
In the 1645, which prayer book was banned and what was it replaced with?
Book of Common Prayer, Directory of Worship
Parliament’s reordering of the church 1640-53
presbyterianism, no stained glass, christmas fasting
What did the Root and Branch petition ask for?
The abolition of episcopacy
James Nayler rode into Bristol on a donkey, imitating Christ’s entry to Jerusalem
When was the Anglican church restored?
Define ‘confessional state’
The country has a clear, official religion that is enforced
When were the Declarations of Indulgence?
1662, 1672, 1687, 1688
What did Charles demonstrate in the Declaration of Breda?
He favoured toleration for non-conformists and Catholics
Fifth Monarchist rising in London that increased fear of non-conformists and led to the Corporation Act
Venner’s Rising 1661
Act that stopped non-conformists from holding municipal offices?
Corporation Act 1661
Act that excluded non-conformists from Church offices
Act of Uniformity 1662
How many clergy were deprived of their livings for refusing the Act of Uniformity (1662)?
Act that forbid dissenting assemblies of more than 5 people
Conventicle Act 1664
Act that banned dissenting ministers from preaching within 5 miles of a town
Five Mile Act 1665
How many Quakers were there by the late 1650s?
How many Puritans are estimated to have left England during the 1630s?
What percentage of the population were dissenters by the early 18th century?
Frankland, an ejected Presbyterian, founded an Academy
The Conventicle Act is renewed by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Charles II declaration of Indulgence?
Danby attempts to renew supression of dissenters but the King argues they are too numerous to be supressed
The first ordination of dissenting bishops in Richard Frankland’s academy
Quaker meeting in York- new structure with monthly district meetings proposed
What Declaration from James II allowed Catholics freedom of worship?
Declaration of Indulgence 1687
How many MPs did James II replace with Catholics?
Which case proved that King James could dispense with the Test Acts on an individual basis?
Godden v Hales 1686
Over 1000 new recruits in dissenting clergy
Dissenters were allowed to meet without a license
A royal proclamation provided a general pardon to anyone in prison for religious reasons
March 1686
How did James II go against the Corporation Act?
Forced a Catholic president upon Magdalen college 1687