how many talus bones are there in the foot?
label what's highlighted
label what's highlighted
label what's highlighted
label what's highlighted
medial cuneiform
label what's highlighted
intermediate cuneiform
label what's highlighted
lateral cuneiform
label what's highlighted
how many metatarsals are there in the foot?
how many phalanges are there in the foot?
label the action
label the action
label the action
label the action
talcrural joint and subtalar joint
what two joints make up the ankle joint?
hinge-type joint
what type of joint is the talocrural joint in the ankle?
dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
what actions does the talcrural joint perform?
planar/gliding joint
what type of joint is the subtalar joint in the ankle?
inversion and eversion
what actions does the subtalar joint perform?
tendons of the ankle
what assists in dynamic stability of the ankle?
is the medial or lateral side of the ankle stronger?
assist extension of digits
function of extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis
extensor digitorum brevis of the foot
label what's bordered
extensor hallucis brevis of the foot
label what's bordered
deep fibular nerve
what nerve innervates the dorsum of the foot and is mostly motor?
superficial fibular nerve
what nerve innervates the dorsum of the foot and is mostly sensory?
dorsalis pedis
what artery supplies blood to the dorsum of the foot?
plantar foot
where is the thickest layer of skin on the body?
plantar aponeurosis
deep fascia is specialized into the...
function of the plantar foot
dense irregular connective tissue
what tissue makes up the plantar aponeurosis?
longitudinal arches
the plantar aponeurosis supports the...
length of the plantar aponeurosis
what determines the height of the arch in the foot?
how many layers of plantar muscles are there?
act on toes, support arches, and adapt to uneven ground
function of plantar muscles
medial plantar nerve and lateral plantar nerve
what are the two branches of the tibial nerve?
medial plantar nerve
is the medial or lateral plantar nerve larger?
abdcuctor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, and abductor digiti minimi
what are the 3 muscles in the first layer of the plantar muscles?
quadratus plantae and lumbricals
what are the two muscles in the second layer of the plantar muscles?
flexor digitorum brevis
label what's red
flexor digiti minimi
label what's red
abductor hallucis
label the muscle
quadratus plantae
label what's red
label what's red
flex digits and maintain longitudinal arches
function of the second layer of the plantar muscles
flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallicus, and flexor digiti minimi brevis
what are the muscles in the third layer of the plantar muscles?
plantar interossei (3) and dorsal interossei (4)
what are the muscles in the fourth layer of the plantar muscles?
adduct (PAD)
function of the plantar interossei
abduct (DAB)
function of the dorsal interossei
lateral plantar nerve cutaneous distribution
label what's highlighted
medial plantar nerve cutaneous distribution
label what's highlighted
tibial nerve cutaneous distribution
label what's highlighted
what is the sequence of lower limb movements during locomotion?
heel-strike to heel-strike
what is one gait cycle?
running has a(n) __________ phase, where both feet are oof the ground
running allows ____________ energy storage in tendons