Centralisation and Decentralisation

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Who makes the decisions in a company?

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Who makes the decisions in a company?

  • Decision-making is about authority

  • A key question is whether authority should rest with senior management at the centre of a business (centralised)

  • Or whether it should be delegated further down the hierarchy, away from the centre (decentralised)

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What is centralised decision making?

Businesses with a centralised structure keep decision-making firmly at the top of the hierarchy (amongst the most senior management)

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What are examples of centralisation?

  • Fast-food businesses use a predominantly centralised structure to ensure that control is maintained over their thousands of outlets

  • The need to ensure consistency of customer experience and quality at every location, together with a desire to exploit economics of scale, are the main reasons for this choice

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What are potential benefits of centralisation?

  • Easier to implement common policies and practices for the whole business

  • This prevents other parts of the business from becoming too independent

  • Easier to coordinate and control from the centre- e.g. with budgets

  • Economies of scale and overhead savings are easier to achieve

  • Quicker decision-making (usually)- easier to show strong leadership

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What are the possible drawbacks of centralisation?

  • More bureaucratic- often extra layers in the hierarchy

  • Local or junior managers are likely to be much closer to customer needs

  • Lack of authority down the hierarchy may reduce manager motivation

  • Customer service: lost flexibility and speed of local decision-making?

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What is decentralised decision making?

Decision-making is spread out to include more junior managers in the hierarchy, as well as individual business units or trading locations

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What is an example of decentralisation?

Hotel chains are particularly keen on using decentralised structures so that local hotel managers and staff are empowered to make on-the-spot decisions to handle customer problems or complaints

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What are potential benefits of decentralisation?

  • Decisions are made closer to the customer

  • Better able to respond to local circumstances

  • Improved level of customer service

  • Can enable a flatter hierarchy

  • Good way of training and developing junior management

  • Facilities empowerment: should improve staff motivation

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What are potential drawbacks of decentralisation?

  • Decision-making is not necessarily ‘strategic’

  • Harder to ensure consistent practices and policies at each location

  • Maybe some diseconomies of sale- e.g. duplication of roles

  • Who provides strong leadership when needed (e.g. in a crisis)?

  • Harder to achieve tight financial control- risk of cost-overruns

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