Symmetry- correlation between symmetry and genetic health
Facial Shape- correlation between hormones and facial shape
Hip-Waist Ratio- correlation between hip-waist ratio and estrogen
Voice pitch- correlation between hormones/fertility and voice pitch
Scent (MHC)- correlation between scent and genetic variation
Biological origins of attraction focus on motivation for sexual behavior and attachment
Dopamine is a feel-good neurotransmitter. This is responsible for motivation. Every time you think about that special someone, dopamine is released.
Testosterone increases sexual desire towards your new partner and increases feelings of aggression, which may motivate you to more actively pursue your partner.
Noradrenaline helps control emotions and stress – the extra dose in your system increases your alertness and attentiveness to your new partner. It also provides that rush of excitement. Noradrenaline stimulates the production of adrenaline, which makes our heart race, and the palms sweat.
Serotonin levels drop when we fall in love. The low levels in those who are newly in love can cause the obsessive thinking and heightened mood extremes often experienced in a new relationship.
All of these chemical changes increase the motivation to pursue a partner
Aim: investigate possible role of oxytocin in how couples communicate
Method: 47 hetero couples, ½ received oxytocin intranasally, ½ received placebo, videotaped as they had a potential conflict discussion
Dependent variable: Level of stress hormones secreted during the discussion
Results: men and women oxytocin improved communication and lowered cortisol, compared to the placebo.
Conclusion: oxytocin facilitates pair bonding behavior
The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias where we tend to overgeneralize attractiveness as being representative of all qualities of a good mate/ partner
Remember: we are cognitively lazy and our past experience of seeing wealthy celebrities in media may lead us to think it applies
Self-esteem is where we value ourselves on characteristics in relation to other people
For example, if I believe that maybe I’m a 2, in looks, but I am definitely a 9 when it comes to my earning potential, my impression of myself can be summarized like this
“There may be 80% of other people out there who are better looking than me, but I can more than 90% of the people offer in wealth”
Self-esteem is not a singular value, but rather a cumulative assessment of our value as a mate.
We may seek to form relationships with people we see we are worthy of and are worthy of us
Shared Interests, Values, Beliefs, equals Shared behaviors and compatible activities. Partners who have happy and meaningful relationships tend to at least share some of the most important similarities with each other.
Enhances self-esteem: People who loved those similar to themselves displayed a higher self satisfactions than those who had more differences. Psychologist attribute this to a validation need, or our internal recognition that people who are like us are deserving of love and so we are therefore more motivated to pursue them. People who feel good about who they are, are more likely to initiate relationships and search for similarities they can build on
Markey and Markey (2007)
aim: investigated the extent to which similarity is a factor in the way people choose a partner
method: questionnaires/survey
The researchers asked a large self-selected sample of undergraduate students to describe the psychological characteristics, values, and attitudes of their ideal romantic partner, without thinking of anyone in particular. Afterward, they were asked to express themselves. The results showed that the way the participants described themselves was similar to what they were seeking in their ideal partner.
Strengths and limitations:
The study was based on self-report questionnaires which means that the responses may have been influenced by demand characteristics.
However, the results are based on a relatively large sample, and this enhances the reliability of the study.
The sample consisted of young American students, so it is not possible to generalize to other populations unless similar research was to be conducted with couples in different kinds of relationships, or from other cultures to confirm the results.
Finally, the study used correlational analysis and it is difficult to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between personality and preference in a romantic partner.
Based on familiarity, the more we see anything the more comfortable we are with it and the more enjoyable it becomes
When the mating pool was limited (50-150) people, and everyone died a lot, you couldn’t be too picky. You had to form an attraction to those around you
Familiarity and exposure usually means the person is available for social interaction which we find rewarding
method: carried out a content analysis of online dating ads for Chinese and Americans.
aim: to investigate if culture had a significant impact on online dating ads
More Chinese profiles provided information on their physical appearances, health conditions, financial status, education, and morality, whereas American profiles focused on personality and hobbies.
A similar pattern was found in their statements about mate preferences: statements about physical characteristics, financial status, and morality more frequently appeared in Chinese personal ads, whereas statements about personality and hobbies more frequently occurred in American personal ads.
Conclusion: Culture matters, it does have an impact. Culture dictates the priority of attraction
strength: high reliability (content analysis)
limitation: bias since they only use significant studies (double selection bias)
Males and females are simply more bold in online interactions
Fear of rejection is minimized when messaging \n strangers
Behavior is typical so judgment from others is less severe and less personal
Many people, males especially, employ a “shotgun strategy” for dating
Social media algorithms (tinder, hitch, even snap and Instagram) suggest or provide users with people in their area
Users are more likely to “swipe right”, dm, or follow, people who are in an accessible location
Users also provide this information in profiles
Communication is a mixed research result. Communication is more frequent and makes relationships more connected, however
Online communication also presents negative effects on relationship intimacy
1- communication is more frequent
2- communication is more shallow
3- communication is more prepared
4- communication is misinterpreted
While this has positive and negative effects, it must be balanced with in-person communication for the positives to outweigh them
SET assumes that relationships are maintained through a constant cost-benefit analysis
SET establishes an idea of how relationships are maintained, not necessarily ended
However, the economic balance established, can explain and predict how relationships end
Aim: Investigate how attractiveness can affect relationship longevity in equity perception
The study involved 130 participants, around half of whom were in a romantic relationship
The participants were shown a picture of an attractive person of the opposite sex and asked to rank (on a scale of 1-7) how attracted they were to that person
Meanwhile, the two researchers secretly rated the attractiveness of each of the participants
Participants who were below average in looks tended to give low attractiveness ratings to the person in the photo, suggesting they were not interested in relationship alternatives
however, participants who were above average in looks tended to give significantly higher attractiveness ratings to the person in the photo, suggesting that they were more open to pursuing relationship alternatives
People who are very good-looking seem more interested in pursuing attractive members of the opposite sex, even if they are already in a relationship
Behavioral norms for \n relationships can lead to a break up when
Behaviors, Norms, or Expectations \n Change \n Or
Behaviors, Norms, or expectations \n Fail to change
method: meta-analysis of couples communication observed in healthy and unhealthy
happy couples maintained it through enhancing patterns-don’t blame partner they assign blame to situational factors
Deteriorating relationships engaged in Distress maintaining patterning. They blame their partner’s characteristics and ignore situational factors
Attribution Theory: Situational vs. Dispositional factors