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what does the meckel’s cartilage become
what does the palatoquadrate become
what are the two regions of the mandibular arch
mandible (meckel’s cartilage)
term used for embryonic development
refers to the segmentation of the gill region
evolution of chordates feeding style
filter feeds → pharyngeal feeders
region between each branchiomere (arch)
pharyngeal pouch
how many branchiomeres
7 total arches
branchiomere - arch I
innervated by the trigeminal nerve (IV)
branchiomere - arch II
innervated by byfacial (VII)
branchiomere - arch III
innervated by glossopharyngeal (IX)
branchiomere - arches IV-VII
vagal 1, 2, 3, 4
innervated by vagus (X)
characteristics of the skeletal system
support / protection
attachment of muscles, tendons, and ligaments (locomotion)
framework of overall body shape
protection of internal organs
produce blood cells in the bone marrow
dynamic system
bimechanical strain, regulation of blood calcium levels, growth
why study bones?
easy to study since they preserve well (fossilization)
provides lots of information
can see where soft tissue attaches
predict locomotion
information about sense organs
diet of organisms (teeth shape)
3 classifications as bones
dermal VS endoskeleton
somatic VS visceral
cranial VS post-cranial
dermal VS endoskeleton
dermal = more superficial and develops as a membranous origin, consists of bony scales or large bony plates
endoskeleton = deeper and composed of cartilage then replaced by bones, ossification
2 types of ossification
intramembranous ossification
formation of flat bones with mesenchymal cells that invade fibrous connective tissue, no cartilage model is present, flat bones are produced this way, this is the way bones heal after they are broken
endochondral ossification
bones are created through ossification of cartilage model, long bones are formed this way
somatic VS visceral
somatic = skeleton is associated with outer tube (mesoderm and ectoderm), most of the skeleton we think of
visceral = skeleton is associated with inner tube (endoderm), cartilage in the pharynx or gills
cranial VS post-cranial
head VS rest of the body
cranial skeleton regions
protection of brain, neural crest cells derived
visceral skeleton, neural crest cells derived
roofing bones, dermal bones, both mesoderm and neural crest cells derived
post-cranial skeletal regions
notochord, vertebral column, ribs, fins, sternum
appendages and associated girdles
cranial skeleton jobs
protect soft tissue (brain + sense organs)
involved in food gathering
passage for respiratory flow of water and air
major evolutionary changes occurred in the skull
chondrocranium jobs
protects brain and sense organs
most conserved evolutionarily
any change is done by fusion
splanchnocranium jobs
jaws and gill arches
primarily feeding and respiration
contains the mandibular arch
splanchnocranium evolutionary trends
loss of arches (associated with air breathing)
incorporation of bones into the head
jaw articulation changes
dermatocranium jobs
primarily superficial dermal bones that cover the other two regions
roofing bones
palatal series (roof of mouth)
encase mandibular cartilage
opercular series
ventral gills
evolution of jaw suspension and jaw articulation is driven by …..
three places jaws attach to on the palatoquadrate
ethmoid process
otic process
three ways jaws are suspended
palatoquadrate anchored to chondrocranium and hyomandibular extends from otic capsule
EX] bony fish
palatoquadrate is stabalized only the Hyomandibular
EX] great white
palatoquadrate fused to chondrocranium, frees up hyomandibular
EX] cat
adaptation VS exaptation
adaptation = trait which makes an animal better suited for their environment
exapataion = adaptation with a change in function (palatoquadrate + meckel’s cartilage articulation)
what does the hyomandibula become in amphibians
transmits sound
connects the tympanic membranes in frogs
what does the quadrate-articular become in mammals
denture-squamosal articulation
increase in bite force
what does the quadrate become in mammals
what does the articular become in mammals
what does they hyomadibular become in mammals
axial skeleton
portion of the skeleton that lies in the longitudinal axis of body
cranial skeleton, notochord, vertebral column, medial finds, ribs and sternum
post cranial skeleton
axial skeleton and appendicular without skull
give stability, rigidity, connection point for girdles
vertebrae common components
neural arches
hermal arches
neural and hemal spines
vertebral foramina
which craniates do not have vertebrae
Hagfish only have a notocord
lamprey have arcualia
Different types of vertebral columns
amphicoelous vertebrae
both side of centra are concave, intervertebral pads present (derived from notochord), fishes
procoelous vertebrae
concave on cranial side, reduced chance of dislocation, intervertebral pads of ossified notochord, amphibians
opishocoelous vertebrae
convince caudal side, amphibians
acoelous vertebrae
flat surface, intervertebral disks present, mammals
heterocoelus vertebrae
saddle shaped centra, high mobility, bird necks
list the rib articulations
Basapothesis rib articulation
vertebral rib attachment
Parapothesis rib articulation
small process for head of rib
Diapothesis rib articulation
transverse process for rib tuberculum
types of skeletogenous septum
features of tetrapod evolution
centrum have become larger and well developed
increase in articulation sites
evolved ‘neck’ region
atlas + axis
regionalization of vertebrae
type of apotheoses
Zygapotheses: extend from neural arch and caudal
zygopothesis from one vertebrae overlap the cranial (rostal)
zygapothesis in another