just vocab
PPC curve
production possibility curve
causes of movements along demand curves
Related products
Number of consummers
what does it mean when an Item has high utility
it means it achieves great costumer satisfaction
what does marginal mean in economics
marginal utility
how much consumer satisfaction increases from extra product
causes of shifts along the curve in supply
Cost of production
Indirect taxes
Expectation of change
Related goods ( competitive and joint supply)
Number of consumers
competitive supply
increase in supply of one product will lead to fall of another ( increase in cherry jam will lead to decrease in strawberry jam)
joint supply
an increase in supply for one will cause an increase supply for another product (beef and leather)
market equilibrium
no shortages or surpluses
Determinants of Price elasticity of supply
Mobility of the factors of production
The rate at which costs of production increase
Ability to store goods
Spare capacity
Time period
Income elasticity of demand
reveals how responsive the change in quantity demanded is to a change in income
factors of Price elasticity of demand
Availability of substitutes: good availability of substitutes results in a higher value of PED (relatively elastic)
Addictiveness of the product: addictiveness turns products into necessities resulting in a low value of PED (relatively inelastic)
Price of product as a proportion of income: the lower the proportion of income the price represents, the lower the PED value will be. Consumers are less responsive to price changes on cheap products (relatively inelastic)
Time period: In the short term, consumers are less responsive to price increases resulting in a low value of PED (relatively inelastic). Over a longer time period consumers may feel the price increase more and will then look for substitutes resulting in a higher value of PED (relatively elastic)
positive vs normative statements
positive is objective which can be verified with facts and data
normative is a value judgement based on opinions and beliefs
Opportunity cost question
is allocatively efficient
define opportunity cost
consummer surplus
the difference between the amount the consumer is willing to pay for a product and the price they have actually paid.