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where does ishmael come from, where is he looking to go, where does he stop before reaching his final destination?
New York, New Bedford, Nantucket
why does ishmael want to sail from nantucket
What is the problem with the first inn's Ishmael finds?
where does ishmael run into, and then quickly out of, on his way to the inn?
a black church where the sermon is on the darkness of blackness
what is the name of the inn ishmael walks into? and who runs it?
Spouter Inn, Peter coffin.
what is on the walls of the spouter inn?
Clubs and Spears
What is Ishmael's first feelings of his roommate?
he is apprehensive
where does Ishmael try to sleep on the first night? what happens?
he tries to sleep on the bench because he is afraid of his roomate even though, Coffin tells him that he is normal because he pays regularlly, Ishmael eventually decides to go sleep upstairs because the bench is uncomfortable.
where is Queequeeg as Ishmael is waiting for him in the Spouter Inn? what happens when Queequeeg notices ishmael in his bed? what was Queequeeg doing when Ishmael was asleep?
he is peddling shrunken heads, he flourishes the tomahawk pipe and Ishmael calls for the owner to come in. He was praying over his idol, Dojo
When Ishmael wakes up, what is Queequeg doing?
He has his arm around him, as if "his wife"
What is ishmael so shocked about when he sees Queequeg shaving?
He is amazed that he knows civilized manners,
What does ishmael wonder while in the chapel?
if heaven is a better place, why do people mourn at funerals.
how is the altar shaped in the church? how does father mapple get up on the altar?
he climbs up a rope ladder, isolating himself from others, the alter is shaped like a ship's bow.
What is Father Mapple's Sermon about?
it is about Jonah and the Whale, about man's sins and willfull disobeying of god. This time, Mapple says that he has a personal connection, and that this story is about preaching truth in the face of falsehoods, he is kneeling down covering his eyes when the congregation leaves.
who does Ishmael compare Queequeg to?
George Washington but cannibalistically.
how are ishmael and queequeg married?
they smoked the tomahawk pipe toghether, which in queequegs culture, means they are married. queequeg gives him half of his stuff, and Ishmael follows along in Queequegs worshiping, following the Golden Rule.
how does Queequeg tell ishmael his life story?
they are lying in bed together, Queequeg comes from Kokovolvo, not on the map, true places never are, he says that he left on a whaling vessel to discover chrisitnaity, he worked his way up on the whaling ship and finally became a harpooner.
what happens on the boat to nantucket?
somebody starts mimicking queequeg, he hits them, they fall into the water, he goes in and saves them.
what does ishmael say about nantucketers?
that they own the sea
where does Queequeg and Ishmael stay on nantucket? what is eerie about the place?
try pots, cousin of peter coffin, says that the topmast looks like gallows.
why does ishmael consider the ship to be a cannibal of a craft?
because it is made with whale parts?
what is ironic about peleg and bildad, the ship owners
they are quakers, who are pacificists, yet they like whaling, they fight, nearly to physical fighting, about what lay ishmael should get.
what does Ahab's name mean in the bible?
a wicked king! EXACTLY
Why do Bildad and Peleg think Ahab is harmless?
because, although he is obsessed with moby dick, he has a wife and kid back home
At first, the owners object to his paganism, how does Queequeg win them over?
he hits a tar spot with his harpoon.
what lay is Queequeg given?
the 90th, the biggest lay that anybody has recieved.
Who tries to convert Queequeg to Christanity?
bildad does, but, peleg says at sea, religious issues don't matter. Also, you have to be a shark when out at sea, and being pious takes the shark right out of you.
After signing the papers to work on the ship, what happens to Queequeg and Ishmael
they run into elijah a prophet, telling them about the peril of signing onto Ahab's ship.
who kicks Ishmael? and why?
peleg does, he wants him to get up, and stop meditating
Who is bulkington?
Bulkington, is a sailor that Ishmael met in new bedford, he imagines him as the captain of the peqoud says that he will die at sea, which is a better way to die than dying of cowardice on land.
how does ishmael defend whaling?
by saying that kind and queens have done it, talks about the dutch and how they use whale oil in their corinations, the bible mentions it, he says that his whaling is like his harvard or yale.
describe starbuck
he is a pragmatist, says that you should fear whales,
how does ishmael see people?
he always ignores there faults and sees them for their dilpomatic dignity.
describe stubb
always cool under pressure, impious good humor,
what is flask like?
short, confrontational, and shows no respect for the dignity of whales. he is called king post
who is an unmixed indian from gay head working for stubb?
who is an african working for flask?
who works for starbuck?
Describe where the people on the boat are from?
the people that are officers are all american, everybody else is foriegn, yet they are all federated along one keel.
physically describe ahab
he has a lightning bolt scare on his face and rumored to have resulted form an elemental strife at sea, he walks with a peleg made of whale's jaw.
What does Ahab do that bother stubb?
He dosen't like his pacing. when he complains, Ahab advances on him and he retreats. Ahab calls him a dog.
What has Ahab discovered about smoking?
it no longer soothes him so he tosses his pipe overboard.
What does stubb dream about?
stubb dreams that ahab kicked him with his ivory leg, Flask says that it would be an honor to be kicked by such a man.
what is cetelogy
the study of whales.
why does Ishmeal not like standing on the mast head?
because he daydreams too much and thinks he won't spot whales.
How does Ahab make his first appearance to the crew?
he does so by presenting them with the gold coin that one of them will get for getting moby dick.
Who asks Ahab how his leg got taken?
Starbuck does, and Ahab reveals that he wants to kill Moby Dick
Who protests to Ahab's idea of killing moby dick?
what does ahab do to unite the people on the boat?
he makes them drink from a flagon and cross their lances together
what is starbuck afraid of? what does this foreshadow?
he says that he is afraid that ahab and his vengence and need to kill moby dick will led to the demise of the crew. this foreshadows the ending.
how does the group song on the boat end?
they get into a fight when a spainard makes fun of daggo.
what are the rumors about Moby Dick?
that he is omnipresent, Ishmael says that all rumors have some truth to them.
why did Moby dick attack Ahab
because ahab was a retard and decided to attack a whale with a knife, and he was stuck far from medical assistance, so he endured alot of pain. As he was bedridden, he fostered a resentment for Moby Dick.
what bothers Ishmael about Moby Dick?
his whiteness, his lack of color.
what do people think is down below the ship?
they think a person is down there.
how does ahab think he will find moby dick?
by tracing currents as to where Moby Dick will be looking for food, or by going to the places where it is known that Moby Dick is at certain times of the year.
why does Ahab puruse all the sperm whales in front of him?
because he knows that he will be fired if he dosent.
what happens when Queequeg jabs at the whale the first time?
the whale overturns the boat.
what happens when the peqout goes to look for Queequeg and his boat?
it almost hits him because of the fog.
why does flask stand on daggo's shoulders?
because he is too short.
where is fedallah from and the others from the bottom of the boat?
the others are from the phillipines, fedallah is from persia.
what does ishmeal decide after the first whale hunt?
that whaling is dangerous, he himself is dead, he rewrites his will, asks Queequeg for help. These conditions are nothing according to the other more experienced whalers.
how does ahab act out of character for a captain?
captain's don't usually go out harpooning for the whales, especially injured captians. therefore, he had to hide his crew in the bottom of the boat.
what is the phantom spout?
it is a spout that constantly appears near the cape of good hope, its is rumored to be moby dick, leading the crew to their death.
what happens when the pequod sees the albatross?
the fish that were following the pequot are know following the albatross, foreshadowing the demise.
what is brit?
a minute yellow substance of which the right whale feeds
what is the difference between the land and sea?
on land all horrors are visible, in the sea, they are hidden. Ishmeal says that the human soul is an island in a big sea
what does ishmael say that all men live with?
they live with whale lines around their neck, when catastrophe strikes, then they know they have been living with a whale line as a nuce.
how does queequeg view the squid?
as a good omen that a whale is near, it is because soon Stubb and Tashetgo kill a whale.
what happens when the men but the whale carcass on the side of the ship?
the sharks attack it forcing the men to stab at the sharks, Ishmael says that it is unwise to meddle with the ghosts and spirits of these anmials.
why does ahab want a right whale?
according to fedallah, if a boat has a right whale and a sperm whale in the front of it, it will never capsize.
does ahab like the right whale, sperm whale?
no, he says the boat will move faster without them.
how does Ishmael divide the head of a whale?
between the case and the junk, the case has the spermeceti which contains oil, the junk has oil, but it is trapped in a honeycomb substance.
what happens to tashetgo and who saves him?
tashetgo falls into the case of the whale and is saved or "delieverd" as a baby would be, by Queequeg.
what is the grand armada?
a bunch of sperm whale swimming in a circle.
what happens when the ship chases the grand armada?
the ship is stuck in a placid lake, and is pursued by pirates.
what does the crew do the whales?
they waiff and drugg them but it dosen't work, they only get one whale. waiffing is making them drag wood, drugg is hitting them with poles.
what does pip do when he is put in stubb's boat?
he jumps out thinking a whale has hit the bottom of it.
Stubb threatens to not get Pip when he jumps again, because getting him the first time they had to sacrifice their whale.
what happens to pip the second time he jumps?
Stubb leaves him there, it drives Pip mad, Ishmeal says that the water has given Pip a divine intelligence.
how does ishmeal describe the try pots?
their scent combined with the red flames of their burning and the blackness of the sea disorient him. everything is inverted, he has no tiller.
what is the job of the try pots?
to boil blubber and get oil from it.
are whalers dirty?
no, Ishmael says that whalers are usually clean, whale oil is a fine cleaning agent, yet, they are only clean for a day because they soon must disembowl another whale.
what does the gold coin look like?
it has mountains, and eagle, a zodiac sign (libra)
how do the members of the ship interperet the coin?
starbuck sees it as a christian symbol. Stubb sees the zodiac sign as an allegory for the life of man. queequeg says that it is like his tattoo. Pip says the coin is the ships navel, holding it together.
what does ahab ask the carpenter to do?
make him a new leg.
how does the carpenter see things?
as part of a machine.
when the oil is leaking from the casks, what does Ahab say to do? what happens?
he says to leave it, he dosen't care about the owners profit. yet when starbuck objects, he holds a musket to Starbuck's head, then he fixes the cask, not to upset the crew.
how doe queequeg go about wanting a coffin?
he asks for one made for him because he is feeling ill, he fills it with his possesions, Pip dances around the coffin and then Queequeg decides that he dosen't want to die, he is feeling better.
what does the pacific ocean represent to ishmael?
serenity, heaven, but not to ahab.
what is the harpoon made with, that ahab plans on killing the white whale with>
race horse nails (toughest around) and the blood of the three savages. he takes over in its production.
whose laughter is heard throughout the ship?
what does ahab carry in his pocket?
a vile of nantucket sand
what happens with the bachelor
the bachelor is having a party, invites the pequod to celebrate, ahab declines, wants to know about the white whale, the captain of the bachelor tells ahab that he thinks the white whale dosent exist.
what is fedellah's prophecy about ahab?
that fedellah will die before ahab does, that two herses will pass, one not made by mortal hands, the other made of american wood. the captain will be killed by hemp. Ahab dosen't think he will be killed at sea.
what happens with the quadrant?
ahab says that it isn't working, he stomps on it, and orders the boat in another direction. Starbuck thinks its petty but follows orders.
how does ahab interperet the masts on fire?
he says they are good luck, like burning spermeceti candles. ahab says that there is nothing to fear and that there is nothing to fear in the enteprise that binds them together. they blow out the flame.
what does starbuck think when he sees ahab's harpoon flickering with fire?
he thinks that it is a sign that god is opposing ahab.
what does stubb think of the journey?
he thinks that its no more dangerous than any other.
when does starbuck see the musket again that ahab tried to kill him with?
when he goes down to report the news that the storm has passed. he debates killing him, but he can't in his sleep.
what did the storm do to the compass?
it screwed it up, ahab makes his own thinking that he will make his own.