Semantic memory is about __________ while episodic memory is about __________.
facts and knowledge; personal experience
When you recall something, you retrieve information from your memory , while recognition is when you retrieve information with .
without a cue; cues
Encoding is when you __________ new information into your memory while relearning is __________ information that you already know.
put; re-studying
Storage is when you keep information in your memory , while retrieval is when you access stored information when it is .
over time; needed
Sensory memory is a very brief storage of __________ while working memory is where you keep __________ for a little while.
quick lived images or sounds; information
Short term memory holds information for a __________ period of time while long term memory stores it for a __________ time.
short; long
Explicit memory involves __________ recall while implicit memory influences behavior __________.
conscious; unconsciously
Iconic memory deals with __________ stimuli and lasts about __________ while echoic memory deals with auditory stimuli and lasts a few seconds __________.
visual; half a second; longer
Chunking breaks information into __________ and manageable units while mnemonics use __________ to help remember information.
smaller; associations