What are the basic characteristics of all Archaebacteria?
Unicellular, no mitochondria, have cell walls that differ from bacteria, undergo absorption, and include autotrophs like photosynthesis and chemosynthesis. has no nervous system. some can move independently
Describe the environment for Methanogens.
Thrive in oxygen-free environments.
Describe the environment for Halophiles.
Thrive in high salt concentrations.
Describe the environment for Thermoacidophiles.
Tolerate extreme temperatures and acidity.
What are some key points about viruses?
Microscopic infective agents that consist of nucleic acid in a protein coat. they multiply in living host cells
What are some key points about retroviruses?
Consist of RNA, enter host cells with the nucleic acid, and multiply using the enzyme reverse transcriptase.
What is the importance of mycelium in mushrooms?
Responsible for growth, nutrient absorption and is the large branching network of hyphae under soil.
What causes malaria?
Infected mosquito bites human, Plasmodium from mosquito saliva enters bloodstream, infects liver, multiplies, invades red blood cells, causing the cycle to continue when a healthy mosquito bites.