mr brown, english 1a
supreme god
roman name is jupiter, greek is zeus, weapon is the lightning bolt, eagle
queen of gods
hera in greek, juno in roman, protector of mmarriage, peacock
god of the sea
greek poseidon, roman neptune, trident, bull/horse/dolphin
ruler of the dead
hades in greek, roman pluto, helmet of invisibilitym screech owl
god of war
ares, mars, spear, boar dog wolf
god of the sun
apollo, bow and quiver, worlf, raven
god of the wilderness and the moon
artemis, diana, bow and quiver, deer
female god of love and beauty
Aphrodite, Venus, cestus the girdle, dove
male god of love
eros, cupid, arrows, dove
god of wisdom
athena, min3erva aegis shied, owl
god of fire
hephaestus, vulcan, hammer, ax, tongs, dragons/salamander
god of speed, messenger of gods
hermes, mercury, winged hat and sandals, rooster
god of doorways and new beginnings
janus, in roman only, dual nature, janus twisn
god of grain and harvest
demeter, ceres, agriculture, fertility, seasons, wheat bundle
god of wine
dionysus, bacchus, icantharos the drinking cup, grape vine