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The encrypted message generated by a cipher
Concealing messages with other data
operation finds the remainder of a division, used in ceasar and affine cipher
substitution cipher
when each letter in an alphabet is replaced with a different character or symbol
encryption key
A string of characters used as a parameter that determines the output of an encryption algorithm
private/symmetric key encryption
an encryption method where the sender and receiver share a single private key
an algorithm used for encryption or decryption
The science and art of delivering a message securely and confidentially
The original message that needs to be encrypted
public/asymmetric key encryption
an encryption method that uses two keys, a public key available to everyone and a private key belonging to one owner.
steps needed to accomplish a task
What is the difference between “Sign and Encrypt”, “Encrypt” and “Sign”?
With encrypt, you’re using a public key and the receiver will have to use their private key to decrypt the message. With sign, the opposite of encrypt is happening, I’ll be using my private key and the receiver will be using my public key.
one-way function
a math function that is easy to do but very hard to undo.
statements that are true about symmetric encryption.
It has a large key space
statements that are true about symmetric encryption.
It exchanges one shared key.
statements that are true about symmetric encryption.
It uses a relatively simple and fast algorithm.
statements that are true about asymmetric encryption.
It uses a relatively smaller key space.
statements that are true about asymmetric encryption.
It is more secure because of the privately held keys.
statements that are true about asymmetric encryption.
It is relatively slow due to its more complex calculations.
statements that are true about asymmetric encryption.
It can be used for encrypting and signing a message.
Data at rest
Data that’s stored somewhere else; ex: bank account
Data in transit
data that’s being transferred between applications,host or around the network; ex: an email on its way to a recipient; the results coming back from an internet search
Data in process
data that is manipulated by an application; ex: A website calculating the tax of an item
mechanism that provides secure encryption for a device
How do recovery keys and hash values differ
Recovery keys are created by the operating system to store the key to the drive, in the event a password is lost. \n Hash values are created at encryption time and represent passwords that control access to the encrypted data.
physical drives inside of a pc
the accessible storage area on a hard drive or disk
a part of a volume that's formatted for the operating system to use as a storage area
a file that has other data and acts like a drive
a computational process that converts data of varying size to a fixed-size.
A digital cash system
what can be encrypted to secure data at rest?
Entire disk drives
what can be encrypted to secure data at rest?
Portions of disk drives, such as containers
what can be encrypted to secure data at rest?
Individual files
what can be encrypted to secure data at rest?
Application specific documents
what happens when you mount vs dismount the container.
When you mount it, the drive is visible in file explorer, but when you dismount it, it is no longer visible
With all of these historical examples of writing, what are the limitations?
Today, computer algorithms could quickly discover patterns and find the hidden data.
With all of these historical examples of writing, what are the limitations?
Messages and keys could be discovered by outsiders.
messages that we want to keep hidden
messages that you don’t mind if people can see
Substitution just replaces data that isn’t important or redundant information with the covert data.
Files can be separated into multiple resources, so you can attach an icon to a file and the icon will be stored with the file.
the process of analyzing data for hidden content