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What is gait control theory?
States that sensory nerve pathways that pain sensations use to travel to the brain will only allow a limited number of sensations to travel at any given time.
By sending alternating signals through these pathways, the pains signals can be blocked from ascending the neurologic pathway and inhibit the brain's perception and sensation of pain
What position changes can the patient be placed into during labor?
Lateral (left/right)
Hands and knees
Sitting- birth ball, rocker, toilet
What are cognitive strategies for pain relief?
Patterned breathing
What are sensory strategies for pain relief?
Breathing techniques (paced patterned breathing* be aware of hyperventilation)
Use of focal points
Subdued lighting
What are cutaneous strategies for pain relief?
Therapeutic touch/effleurage
Counter pressure
Heat or cold packs
TENS therapy
Frequent expectant position changes
What are the side effects of opioids in labor?
Common side effects: drowsiness (fall risk), respiratory depression, N/V
Cannot be given in active/transitional phase of labor = fetal respiratory depression
What is nitrous oxide?
Laughing gas
Considered a PCA (patient controlled analgesic)
Patient inhaled gas during contractions
Short half life (does not stay in maternal system/fetal system long <60 seconds)
What is an epidural/spinal anesthesia?
Catheter placed in epidural space of the spinal column
Meds given via catheter on pump-typically fentanyl and bupivacaine
Baseline NST required prior to procedure (ensure baby is stable/fetal well being)
May prolong the second stage of labor due to difficulty pushing
What is nursing care when a patient has an epidural?
Strict bedrest (high fall risk)
Frequent position changes (in bed)
Blood pressure monitoring, #1 adverse effect is maternal hypotension
If this happens, position change first followed by IV fluid bolus and IV vasopressor admin
What are the complications of epidurals?
Ineffective or partially effective
Maternal hypotension
CSF leak-epidural headache
Infection at insertion site
Systemic toxicity- local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) can occur with intravascular administration of a local anesthetic
What are pudendal nerve blocks?
Local anesthetic to the the pudendal nerve through the vaginal wall with a needle
Effective pain relief to the vaginal/perineal areas during 2nd stage (pushing)
What are the complications of pudendal nerve blocks?
Nerve injury
Systemic toxicity
What is an amniotomy?
Manually rupturing the amniotic sack-amni hook
AROM: artificial rupture of membranes
What is the nurses role during an amniotomy?
Priority: assess FHR
Note time of rupture
Quality of amniotic fluid (clear, bloody, meconium stained)
Odor of amniotic fluid
Complications: umbilical cord prolapse
What should internal monitoring show during labor?
Membranes must be ruptured
What should fetal scalp electrodes (FSE) show during labor?
Small device that is inserted in the layer of skin on the baby's head
Provides continuous EFM
What is an intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) and its purpose?
Measures strength of contractions
Inserted into uterus next to baby
Also used for amnioinfusion
What is expected in labor during the transition stage (8cm-10cm)?
Cervix completes dilation and effacement
Contractions are strong and regular (Q 1-3mins X90 sec)
Continued scant amount of pink discharge
Possible spontaneous rupture of membranes (SROM)
Pelvic pressure
Urge to push/have BM
Lasts on average less than 2 hours
What are the physical symptoms of the transition stage of labor?
What is the maternal affect in the transition stage of labor?
Completely focused on contractions
Out of control feeling
What support may be needed during the transition stage of labor?
Active support
Breath coaching
Position changes
Encouragement and praise
Encourage panting if patient expresses need to push before full dilation
What is the second stage of labor?
Time to push!
Contractions may space out Q2-3 mins X60-90 seconds
"Ring of Fire" burning sensation as head is delivered
Nullip: <3 hours
Multip: <2 hours (typically less than 1 hour)
What are the physical symptoms of the second stage of labor?
Sensation of needing to have a BM- increased rectal pressure
What is the maternal affect during the second stage of labor?
Full focus on pushing
Resting between contractions
May vocalize while pushing
What support may be needed during the second stage of labor?
Active support
Coaching pushing effort
Encouragement and praise
Offering PO hydration
Physical support:
Holding a leg, Assisting into different positions, Tug of War, Birthing Bar
What care may be needed in the second stage of labor for a patient with an epidural?
** Epidurals can increase pushing times
Laboring down:
Delay active pushing once fully dilated to allow the baby to descend further into birth canal (via strength of contractions)
Active pushing begins from a closer station
What nursing care is required during birth?
Monitor EFM
Prepare delivery equipment and newborn warmer (resuscitation equipment)
Provide support and coaching:
-pant to ease delivery, open/closed glottis pushing, non=pharm comfort
Notify provider of progress
Admin Meds
Vital Signs
Immediate newborn care
What is assisted birth/operative birth?
Forceps-assisted delivery
Vacuum-assisted delivery
-incision made in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening
-Facilities/hastens birth
-can minimize soft tissue damage
What is the third stage of labor?
Birth of baby to delivery of placenta
Uterus will continue to contract causing detachment of placenta
Signs of detachment:
-cord lengthening
-change in uterine shape (palpation)
-gush of blood
-urge to push again
Less painful-cramping
What are the physical symptoms of the third stage of labor?
What is the maternal affect in the third stage of labor?
Range of responses: elation to exhaustion
Focused on baby
What support may be needed during the third stage of labor?
Promote initial bonding (skin to skin)
Family support
-support person cutting umbilical cord
What is immediate newborn care?
Dry and stimulate infant
Clear respiratory tract first
Keep warm with dry blanket/towel/hat-reduce evaporative heat loss
PLace skin to skin
Assign APGAR scores at 1 and 5 minutes
What is the appearance scale for APGAR?
0- blue and pale
1- body pink, limbs blue
2- all pink
What is the pulse scale for APGAR?
0- absent
1- less than 100
2-more than 100
What is the grimace scale for APGAR?
0-no response
1- grimace
2- coughing and crying
What is the activity scale for APGAR?
0- Limp
1- Weak
2- Strong
What is the respiration for APGAR?
1- Irregular, slow
2- Good, crying
What is the fourth stage of labor?
Immediate postpartum-first 4 hours
Some uterine cramping will continue
Prevents bleeding
Uterus begins to return to normal size
What are the physical symptoms of the fourth stage of labor?
What is the maternal affect of the fourth stage of labor?
Range of responses: elation to exhaustion
May report pain
What is the support for the fourth stage of labor?
Promote initial bonding (skin to skin)
Promote early breastfeeding
Peri packs
Ice packs
What is immediate postpartum care?
Postpartum Vitals (q 15 min X4, q30 ming x2)
Admin Pitocin
Assist with perineal repair
Discontinue/remove epidural per policy
Calculate blood loss
Assess umbilical cord