Going along with it
Wanting to belong
Actually agreeing (permanent decision)
Compliance (example)
Picking on someone in a group but not privately feeling that way
Identification (example)
Smoking to be cool
Internalisation (example)
New religion
Why do people conform?
Deutsch/Gerard 1955
The need to be right (ISI)
The need to be liked (NSI)
Internalisation (more permanent)
Normative Social
Compliance or Identification
Informational (example)
Seeking guidance from a group (person in an unclear situation)
Normative Social (example)
Yielding to group pressure
Scared of being rejected by a group
Evaluation (acronym)
G - generalisation
R - reliability
A - applications
V - validity
E - ethics
Compliance Vs. Internalisation
Internalised —————> Compliant
Research Support - Normative Influence
Saying “less people smoke”, manifests that
Going along with it, because the group is watching
Looking to be right changes public and private viewpoints