cell membrane
A selectively permeable barrier that surrounds the cell, regulating the movement of substances in and out.
prokariotic cells
Cells without a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles, typically smaller than eukaryotic cells and found in bacteria and archaea.
eukariotic cells
Cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, typically larger than prokaryotic cells, found in organisms such as plants, animals, and fungi.
structures found in every cell:
cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA/other genetic material
structures that preform a specific task within the cell (golgi apparatus, mitochondria, etc)
cell theory
everything is made of cells, cells are the basic unit of life, cells arise from other cells
small structures that synthesize proteins by translating messenger RNA
organelles that conduct photosynthesis in plant cells, converting light energy into chemical energy.
cell wall
provides extra support to the cell membrane, helps cells maintain their shape, ONLY IN PLANT CELLS
powerhouse of the cell, produces ATP (energy) through areobic resperationand contains its own DNA.
fluid mosaic model
current cell membrane model, hydeophillic, fatty acid tails, and hydrophobic, protein heads create a semi-permiable barrier for the cell
molecules that make up the cell membrane, consisting of a hydrophilic head and two hydrophobic tails, allowing for the formation of a bilayer.
stabilizes the cell membrane, provides fluidity and flexibility.
intergal (inside bilayer) and peripheral (outside the bilayer) transprotein (goes all the way through bilayer) JETRAT (junctions, emzymes, transport, recognition, anchorage and transduction)
prefix -glyco, modifies other structures (ex: lipid into glycolipid)
passive transport
goes with the flow (high to low) w/o using energy
active transport
requires energy to be moved, going against the grain (low to high)
membrane transport
semi-permiable and selective, only specific molecules can enter through specific ways
cm to in conversion rate
2.54 cm in 1 in
magnification formula
measured size of image (ruler)/ actual size (life size)
steps for magnification calcs
before you start convert to the lowest unit present (mostly nanometers), use scale bar to find missing measurements, use a ruler for ruler measurements
light microscopes
use light to magnify via lenses, strudy dead OR living cells in color, cells are alive so you can study movwement, max mag is ~1500x and max resolution is ~0.3 microns
electron microscope
electron beams focused bt electromagnets, kills the cell in the process of creating a slide b/c of chemicals used, no movement visible, w/o stain there is no color, max mag ~300,000x and max res ~0.001 micron
smallest degree of detail visible through the microscope