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Ankle Taping
Steps include foot pads, spray, prewrap, anchor strips (bottom of calf and 5th metatarsal), 3 stirrups, 3 horseshoes, figure 8 (heel lock), and cover up rest of untaped area.
Thumb Taping
Take prewrap, place it over thumb and push down, wrap around the wrist, anchor strips on wrist, use half the strip to secure the thumb anchor to anchor (medial to lateral), 3 awareness strips, use other side of half tape to fill in hand, wrist anchor full tape.
Hip Realignment
Steps include having the patient lying supine, performing 3 glute bridges, pushing knees to chest and pulling legs, assessing for leg discrepancy, bringing the shorter leg into hip flexion and resisting extension, traction on the shorter leg, bringing legs back into glute bridge position, resisting abduction and adduction, and assessing for leg alignment.
Caused by hitting head, whiplash, or blast waves from explosion.
Second Impact Syndrome
Occurs when a second head injury happens before the first has been resolved.
Skull Fractures
Result from blunt trauma to the head, such as a baseball or a high fall.
Epidural Hematoma
A blow to the head leads to a tear in the meningeal arteries.
Subdural Hematoma
Caused by acceleration/deceleration forces that tear vessels bridging the dura mater and brain.
Cerebral Contusion
An impact injury where the head strikes a stationary, immovable object (floor).
Pulling of blood in the body under the skin that results from a broken or ruptured vessel.
Epidural vs Subdural Hematomas
Epidural: dura peeled, skull fracture, and arterial (oxygenated) blood build up. Subdural: dura still attached, venous blood (deoxygenated).
Types of Subdural Hematomas
Acute subdural hematoma, subdural hematoma association (sub-acute), chronic subdural hematoma.
Importance of Symptom Resolution in Concussion
Athletes should not participate until symptoms are fully gone to prevent second impact syndrome, which can be fatal.
four subcategories of a concussion
Physical Cognitive Sleep disturbance emotional
Types of Amnesia associated with a concussion
Retrograde Anterograde: Retro-anterograde
Loss of consciousness.
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
Cerebrospinal fluid.
Sports concussion assessment tool.
Traumatic brain injury.
Postconcussion Syndrome
Patients complain about persistent headache, impaired memory, lack of concentration, anxiety, fatigue, and depression.
Signs of Skull Fractures
Headache, nausea, skull indentation, blood in ear, bleeding around nose, raccoon eyes, ecchymosis behind ears (battle's sign).
Battle's Sign
Bruising behind the ear that indicates skull fracture.
Racoon Eyes
Dark bruising around the eyes.
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Straw-colored fluid dripping from the nose.
retrograde amnesia
cannot recall events right before the trauma occurred;
anterograde amnesia
cannot recall events that occurred after the event;
Retro & anterograde amnesia
reversing and confusing order of events.
Physical subcategory symptoms:
headaches, dizziness, nausea; Emotional: sad, anxious, irritable;
Emotional subcategory symptoms:
sad, anxious, irritable
Cognitive subcategory symptoms:
attention problems, memory dysfunction, fatigue, cognitive slowing;
Sleep disturbance subcategory symptoms:
trouble sleeping, staying asleep, and feeling drowsy due to concussion.