Test 1

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Chapters 1-6

410 Terms



The various structures of the body, and their relationship to one another

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Gross anatomy

Structures visible to the naked eye

What is connected to what in which cavity

Regional vs Systemic

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Microscopic anatomy

Structures that are microscopic

Not visible to the naked eye

  • Cells and tissues

Cytology vs histology

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How these individual body parts work (or function) on a normal level

Fixed in function

Mostly cellular and molecule

  • Cell are the ones producing products

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What is the relationship between structure and function?

Principle of complementarity of structure and function

What a structure can do is dependent on its form

Change structure → change function

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Structural organization of the human body

  1. Chemical

  2. Cellular

  3. Tissue

  4. Organ Level

  5. Organ System

  6. Organismal Level

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Chemical level

Atoms combine to form molecules

The smallest structural organization

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Cellular level

The smallest unit of life

The 2nd structural organization

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Tissue level

Aggregation of living cells that carry out a similar function

Four basic types

The 3rd structural organization

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Types of tissue

  • Muscle

  • Epithelial

  • Nervous

  • Connective

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Organ Level

2 or more tissues operate together to preform a certain function

The 4th structural organization

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Organ System

Multiple organs work together to accomplish a purpose

The 5th structural organization

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Organismal Level

All organ systems working together to keep the organism alive

(you as a person)

The last structural organization

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Necessary Life Functions

  1. Maintaining boundaries

  2. Movement

  3. Responsiveness

  4. Digestion

  5. Metabolism

  6. Excretion

  7. Reproduction

  8. Growth

Mature Baboons Must Read Driving Manuals Especially Reverse Guides.

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Maintaining Boundaries (as a necessary life function)

  • At the cellular level

    • Plasma membrane to keep contains of a cell together

  • At the organismal level

    • integument/skin

      • hold everything in

      • prevent exposure from environment and bacteria/viruses

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Movement (as a necessary life function)

Cooperation of skeletal and muscular systems to coordinate actions

  • Conscious/voluntary

    • Skeletal muscular tissues

  • Not conscious/involuntary

    • Smooth muscle tissue (hallow organs)

    • Cardiac muscle tissues

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Responsiveness/Excitability (as a necessary life function)

Sensing environmental changes both internally and externally and responding to them

  • Nervous system is primarily involved with excitability

    • Neurons

    • Highly specialized to be excitable

    • How brain perceives information and communicates with rest of body

  • Muscle tissue cells

    • Have to respond quickly to allow us to move fast

      • e.x: if we touch a hot stove

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Digestion (as a necessary life function)

Absorb nutrients

Food is broken down to simple molecules to be absorbed to blood and delivered to various tissues

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Metabolism (as a necessary life function)

  • Sun of all chemical reactions in organism

    • Catabolism

      • Break down

      • Take larger molecule and breaking it down into smaller part

      • ex: protien to amino acids

    • Anabolism

      • Build up

      • Take smaller molecules and combining them to make larger molecule

      • ex: amino acids to protein

    • Cellular respiration

      • Produce ATP

      • ex: glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, electron transport train,

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Excretion (as a necessary life function)

Removal of waste produced during digestive and metabolic function

  • Forms

    • solid waste (digestive)

    • exhale (respiratory waste CO2)

    • nitrogenous waste (urinary system)

  • Built up waste can

    • kill a cell

    • interfere with cellular function

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Reproduction (as a necessary life function)

  • Cellular level

    • cells must divide for organism to survive

  • Organismal

    • production of offspring

    • species survival

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  • Increase in the number of body cells

  • Increase in size of individual cells themselves

  • Building must occur faster than breakdown

    • rate of anabolic > rate of catabolic

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difference between survival need and life functions

The survival needs are required to be able to carry out life functions

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Survival Needs

  1. Nutrient

  2. Oxygen

  3. Water

  4. Endothermy

  5. Atmospheric Pressure

New Octopi Will Eat Anything

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Nutrients (as a survival need)

  • Brought into body by ingestion

  • Includes macro nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins

    • Need to bring them in at large amounts throughout the day

  • Includes micro nutrients: vitamins and minerals

    • Vitamins important for chemical reactions

    • e.g: B12 necessary for ATP products

    • Minerals (iron, zinc, calcium) are structural

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Oxygen (as a survival need)

  • Cells can only survive a few minutes without oxygen

  • Electron transport train requires oxygen to make ATP

    • Electron transport train supplies >50% of our APT

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Water (as a survival need)

  • We are 60% water

  • Provides environment for chemical reactions

    • Primary solvents for chemical reactions to occur in and use as part of the reactions

      • Hydrolysis

  • Fluid base for secretions and excretions

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Difference between a secretion and excretion

  • Secretions

    • Removes something it produces

  • Excretion

    • Waste

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Endothermy (as a survival need)

Body temperature must be maintained for chemical processes to occur

We produce our own body heat

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Atmospheric Pressure

  • Required for respiratory function

    • Breathing and gas exchange

  • Changing altitude can effect humans

    • e.x: altitude sickness

      • Suddenly breathing in less oxygen concentration (thin air)

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  • Maintenance of a consistent internal state despite changes in external environment

  • Maintenance is not a static state, hover in a range of expectable levels

  • Accomplished by the work of virtually all organ systems

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Control of homeostasis

  • Mostly regulated by central nervous system (almost always the brain) and the endocrine system (hormones)

  • Variable: what organ or function is being controlled or regulated, 3 parts involved in variable control

    1. Receptor

    2. Control Center

    3. Effector

  • Controlled by negative feedback mechanism or positive feedback mechanism

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Receptor (in control of homeostasis)

Some type of cell that receives information about the variable and sends a message to control center

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Control center (in control of homeostasis)

Almost always the brain, sometimes the spinal cord

receives message from receptor, interpret it, then send out a response to an effector

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Effector (in control of homeostasis)

Receives response from control center and carries it out

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Negative feedback mechanism

  • Cause the variable to change in a direction that is opposite of the initial change

  • Prevents large changes, more stable

  • e.x: thermoregulation, most hormones

<ul><li><p>Cause the variable to change in a direction that is opposite of the initial change</p></li><li><p>Prevents large changes, more stable</p></li><li><p>e.x: thermoregulation, most hormones</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Positive feedback loop

  • Cause the original change of the variable to be enhanced (accelerates the change)

  • Way less common, used in emerencys

    • Does not control events that require frequents, small adjustments

  • e.x: labor, blood clotting

<ul><li><p>Cause the original change of the variable to be enhanced (accelerates the change)</p></li><li><p>Way less common, used in emerencys</p><ul><li><p>Does not control events that require frequents, small adjustments</p></li></ul></li><li><p>e.x: labor, blood clotting</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Imbalances in homeostasis

  • Causes:

    • aging leads to homeostatic imbalance

      • control systems become less efficient, making us more susceptible to disease

    • cascade of events caused by positive feedback mechanisms can overpower negative feedback mechanisms

  • Leads to disease or sickness

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Reference point: anatomical position

Right vs left is always viewed in terms of the person being observed. not your own

<p>Right vs left is always viewed in terms of the person being observed. not your own</p>
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Dorsal (posterior) (anatomical term)


e.x: vertical column

<p>Backside</p><p>e.x: vertical column</p>
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Ventral (anterior) (anatomical term)

Front/belly side

<p>Front/belly side</p>
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Lateral (anatomical term)

Further from the midline

e.x: ear is lateral to the eye

<p>Further from the midline</p><p>e.x: ear is lateral to the eye</p>
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Medial (anatomical term)

Closer into the midline

e.x: eye is medial to the ear

<p>Closer into the midline</p><p>e.x: eye is medial to the ear</p>
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Distal (anatomical term)

further from the point of origin

e.x: Wrist distal to elbow (point of origin is shoulder)

<p>further from the point of origin</p><p>e.x: Wrist distal to elbow (point of origin is shoulder)</p>
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Proximal (anatomical term)

e.x: Elbow proximal to wrist (point of origin is shoulder)

<p>e.x: Elbow proximal to wrist (point of origin is shoulder)</p>
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Deep (anatomical term)

Further from skin

<p>Further from skin</p>
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Superficial (anatomical term)

Closest to skin

<p>Closest to skin</p>
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Superior (anatomical term)

On top of

<p>On top of</p>
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Inferior (anatomical term)


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Body planes




<p>Sagittal </p><p>Transverse</p><p>Frontal</p>
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Divides body into left and right

Median/midsagittal plane divides the body exactly in half

<p>Divides body into left and right</p><p>Median/midsagittal plane divides the body exactly in half</p>
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Divides body into anterior and posterior

<p>Divides body into anterior and posterior</p>
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Divides body in superior and inferior parts

Cross section

<p>Divides body in superior and inferior parts</p><p>Cross section</p>
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Body cavities

Most organs are found in one of the body cavities

Dorsal body cavity

Ventral body cavity

<p>Most organs are found in one of the body cavities</p><p>Dorsal body cavity</p><p>Ventral body cavity</p>
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Dorsal body cavity

  • Protects organs of central nervous system

  • Composed of the cranial cavity and spinal

<ul><li><p>Protects organs of central nervous system</p></li><li><p>Composed of the cranial cavity and spinal</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Ventral body cavity

  • houses visceral organs

  • Composed of:

    • Thoracic cavity: contains heart and lungs

    • Abdominopelvic cavity: separated from thoracic cavity by diaphragm

<ul><li><p>houses visceral organs</p></li><li><p>Composed of:</p><ul><li><p>Thoracic cavity: contains heart and lungs</p></li><li><p>Abdominopelvic cavity: separated from thoracic cavity by diaphragm</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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Membranes of the ventral body

  • Serous membrane

    • double-layered membrane

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Serous membrane

  • Layers:

    • Visceral serosa: innermost layer covering the organ

    • Parietal serosa: outer layer lining the body wall of the cavity

    • layers are separated by a small amount of serous fluid

  • Named according to their location

    • Pericardium: surrounds heart

    • Pleura: surrounds lungs

    • Peritoneum: surrounds most organs of the abdominopelvic cavity

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Visceral serosa

  • Innermost layer covering the organ

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Parietal serosa

Outer layer lining the body wall of the cavity

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Serous membranes surrounding the heart

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Serous membranes surrounding the lungs

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Serous membranes surrounding most organs of the abdominopelvic cavity

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Do all organs have a serous membrane?

No, but most do

ex: Kidneys and esophagus do not

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  • any substance containing 2 or more components physically intermixed

  • Can come in all phases: gas, solid, and fluid

    • Predominantly fluid in body

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Types of mixtures

  • Solutions

  • Colloids

  • Suspensions

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  • Homogenous mixtures that can exist as a solid, liquid, or gras composed of very small particles that do not settle out

  • Composed of:

    • Solvent: dissolving medium

    • Solute: dissolved

  • Concentration expressed as:

    • Percent solution

    • Molarity (mol/L)

  • Important Example: saline solution (water and NaCl)

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  • the dissolving medium

    • Water is the body’s primary solvent

  • found in higher concentration

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  • thing dissolved in the solvent

  • found in lesser concentration

  • does not settle, stays suspended

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Percent solution

  • Way of describing the concentration of a solution

  • amount of solute dissolved is expressed as a percentage of the total solution volume

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  • mol/L

  • Way of describing the concentration of a solution

  • the number of moles of a substance per liter of solution

  • Reminder: a mole of any element or compound is equal to its molecular weight

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  • heterogenous mixtures composed of large solute particles that do not settle out

    • Larger particles compared to a solution

  • can undergo sol-gel transformation

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Sol-gel transformation

  • can happen in colloids

  • mixture can change from a fluid state to more solid state (and back)

    • solid state is like jello

  • Depends on needs of the colloid

  • Ex: cytosol of cells changes consistency depending on certain cell activities (cellular division, change in shape, etc.)

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  • heterogenous mixture composed of large solute particles that do settle out

  • e.x: blood - contains a fluid portion (plasma) with various cell types (red blood cells, white blood cells, & platelets) suspended in it

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Chemical Reactions

  • occur when chemical bonds are formed, broken, or rearranged

    • Bonds store energy

  • extremely important

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Types of chemical reactions

  • Synthesis reaction

  • Decomposition reaction

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Synthesis Reaction

  • Formation of bonds between atoms or molecules to form larger, more complex structures

  • Are endergonic - contains more energy after formation

  • ex: anabolic reactions in the body

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Decomposition reaction

  • bonds are broken to create smaller molecules or individual atoms

  • are mostly exergonic - release energy when bond is broken

  • ex: catabolic reactions in the body

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Inorganic compounds that are important to homeostasis

  1. Water

  2. Salts

  3. Acid & Bases

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Waters role in homeostasis

Makes up most of the total body mass and most of the volume of individual cells

  1. Universal solvent

    • many reactions take place in water

    • transport water carries nutrients, respiratory gases, metabolic waste, etc.

    • water can surround some charged structure to prevent interactions with other charged particles

      • ex: proteins are wrapped in water so they do not react on the way to destination

  2. High heat capacity (amount of heat a substance needs to absorb to raise it’s own temperature by 1°C)

    • can absorb and release large amounts of heat with little change to its own temperature

      • lots of things produce heat as a by product

      • skeletal and muscular system produces a lot of heat

    • helps prevent extreme changes in body temperature throughout the day

  3. protection

    • water-based body fluids provide a “cushion” for internal organs

    • prevents damage from a physical blow

  4. High heat of vaporization (amount of heat that needs to be absorbed to cause to material to evaporate)

    • Large amount of heat must be absorbed to break bonds and cause evaporation

    • Is why sweating absorbs a large amount of heat

  5. Reactive

    • Water is used in several chemical reaction in the body

      • Hydrolysis: add water to break bond

        • AB + H2O → A-H + B-OH

      • Dehydration synthesis

        • A-H + B-OH → AB + H2O

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Salts role in homeostasis

  • Dissociate in solution to form electrolytes

  • Examples:

    • Na+ and K+ allow for muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses

    • Fe+ used in red blood cells, is used to carry O2

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Acids and Bases role in homeostasis

  • Also form electrolytes

  • Acids:

    • release H+ ions in solution

    • Cause pH to drop

  • Bases

    • release OH- ions in solution

    • Cause pH to increase

  • Optimal blood pH is 7.2-7.4

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What happens if blood pH is off?

  • high/low pH disrupts cellular activity, hydrogen bonds, etc

  • What can cause this:

    • Prescription medications, certain foods

  • Solution:

    • Buffers

      • Weak acids release some (but not all) H+

      • Weak bases tie up excess H+ when pH becomes too acidic

      • Buffers prevent large changes in pH that could cause excessive damage in the body

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All organic molecules found in the body contain _, why?

  • Carbon:

    • It is electroneutral, it neither gains nor lases electrons

    • Can form molecules of various shapes that all have specific functions in the body

      • Long chains

      • Rings (carbahydrates)

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  • Polymers that are made up of several smaller, identical subunits called monomers

  • 3 types

    • carbohydrates

    • lipids

    • proteins

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  • sugars and starches

  • monomer: monosaccharide

    • glucose

      • used for APT production **

    • fructose

    • galactose

    • can form disaccharides and polysaccharides

      • Used for other things

      • including polysaccharides are immune system marker that marks cells that belong to the body

  • major functions

    • fast, easy-to-use energy source

    • cell-cell interactions

      • carbohydrates attached to cell surface and are used to communicate

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Types of lipids

  1. Triglycerides

  2. Phospholipids

  3. Steroids

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  • Monomer: fatty acids and glycerol

  • Varieties

    • Saturated

    • Unsaturated

    • Trans fat

    • Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Functions

    • Protection

    • insulations

    • fast and easily accessible energy storage

  • Found

    • subcutaneous - right under skin

    • adipose tissues

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Triglycerides: saturated

  • contain only single covalent bonds, molecules packed closely together

  • found in meat productions

  • only want low amounts

    • can build up in vessel walls and is solid

    • can lead to stroke and heart attack

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Triglycerides: Unsaturated

  • contain 1 or more double covalent bonds

  • looser arrangement, molecules are more spread out

  • found in most plant-based oils

  • considered healthy

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Triglycerides: trans fat

  • oil fats that have a H added at sites of double bonds

  • found in doughnuts and cookies

  • worst to consume

    • build up the most in vessels

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Triglycerides: Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Oil fat found in cold-water fish

    • krill oil, fish oil capsulars

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  • modified triglycerides with 2 fatty acid chains and a phosphate group

    • fatty acid chains are hydrophobic

    • phosphate “head” is hydrophilic

  • function

    • used to build cell membranes

    • all cell membranes are phospholipid bilayer

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  • Most important steroid for life: cholesterol

    • Ingested in eggs, meat, cheese

    • Liver produces 85% of body’s need for cholesterol

    • Major functions:

      • structural component of cell membranes, makes them tougher

      • is “base” used by body to form other steroids (steroid hormones—testosterone & estrogens, corticosteroids)

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  • Monomers: amino acids

  • Specific amino acid sequence leads to large variety of protein functions

  • Structure determines function

    1. Fibrous proteins

    2. Globular proteins

    3. Enzymes

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Proteins: Fibrous

  • form long strands that can link together to form long, stable structures

    • Can be pulled without breaking and returns to original shape

  • Function

    • provide mechanical support & tensile strength, some contractile ability

  • Ex:

    • collagen*

    • skin

    • tendons

    • ligaments

    • joints

    • muscles

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Proteins: globular

  • compact, spherical in shape

  • Chemically active

  • Function

    • transport molecules

    • immune defenses

    • regulation of growth & development

  • lipid based molecules bind to protein so they can travel in body when they need transport

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  • biological catalysts

  • Function:

    • catalysts lower the activation energy of chemical reactions

  • Varying degrees of specificity

    • Some only catalyze 1 reaction, others can catalyze multiple reactions

  • Importance:

    • without enzymes, most reactions in the body would either not occur or would occur too slowly to sustain life

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ATP & cellular energy

  • Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

    • the energy transferring molecule of any body cell

    • glucose and O2 is used to make it

  • Has 3 phosphate tails

    • is a little unstable (high energy)

    • ATP has a triphosphate tail that has high bond energy

      • When a phosphate tail is transferred to another molecule, that molecule temporarily has more energy to do work

    • While doing the work, the molecule loses the phosphate group

  • ATP storage & release is similar to energy needed to drive most chemical reactions

    • have little ATP storage in body cells

    • only produce enough ATP so needed in moment

    • ATP requires ATP to be produces, so it just sitting around is a waste of energy

  • Importance:

    • without ATP, chemical reactions stop, cell transport stops, muscle cannot contract → death occurs

      • Neurons stop firing

    • without O2 → cant produce ATP → cells dies

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Prefix for “the cell”


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