accessory organs
What are the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas? Answer with a single words or term.
Certain types of diabetes
________ can be controlled by diet.
________: the process of breaking food into small enough molecules for the body to absorb.
________ regulates the concentration of glucose (sugar) in the blood.
accessory organs
What are the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas? Answer with a single words or term.
________: produces enzymes called insulin.
What is a muscular tube that connects your mouth to the stomach? Answer with a single words or term.
What is a mixture of water and enzymes? Answer with a single words or term.
Disorders /DiseasesDiabetes. What is a disease in the pancreas? Answer with a single words or term.
The ________ has a pH of 2.
________ made in the leaves is transported by phloem (vascular tissue) to other plant parts.
Epithelial tissue
What is made up of goblet cells? Answer with a single words or term.
: the act of eating /.
Digestive tube
What is made up of layers of muscle, tissue and nerves? Answer with a single words or term.
stomach lining
The ________ contains cells that produce digestive enzymes and acids.
________ are autotrophs which mean they can produce their own food.
small intestine
What is where most of the digestion occurs? Answer with a single words or term.
whole length of the digestive tract
What is lined with epithelial tissue? Answer with a single words or term.
Chemical digestion
What is breaking down chemical bonds? Answer with a single words or term.
Mechanical digestion
There are 2 types of digestion: mechanical and chemicalMechanical Digestion. ________ means the food is getting smaller.
________ is produced by cells from the epithelial tissue lining in the mouth.
What is added to the food in your mouth? Answer with a single words or term.