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Awareness of ourselves and our environment.
A condition where a person can respond to visual stimuli without consciously experiencing it.
Inattentional Blindness
Failure to notice something visible because attention is focused elsewhere.
Change Blindness
Failure to detect changes in a visual scene.
A natural, reversible state of reduced consciousness and activity.
A state of consciousness characterized by alertness and engagement with the environment.
Circadian Rhythm
The body’s internal clock that regulates sleep-wake cycles over a 24-hour period.
Jet Lag
A disruption of circadian rhythms due to rapid travel across time zones.
Shift Work
A work schedule that requires people to be awake and active outside the typical day-night cycle.
NREM Stage 1/Initial Stage 1 Sleep
The lightest stage of sleep, marked by drowsiness and slowed breathing.
NREM Stage 2
A deeper stage of sleep where eye movement stops and brain waves slow.
NREM Stage 3
The deepest stage of NREM sleep, where body repair and growth processes occur.
Hypnagogic Sensations
Vivid sensations, like falling, experienced when first falling asleep.
REM Sleep
A stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movement and vivid dreaming.
REM Rebound
The increase in REM sleep following deprivation of REM sleep.
Activation-Synthesis Theory (of dreaming)
The idea that dreams result from the brain's attempt to make sense of random neural activity.
Consolidation Theory (of dreaming)
The theory that dreaming helps solidify memories and learning from the day.
Memory Consolidation Theory (of sleep)
The concept that sleep strengthens and organizes memories.
Restoration Theory (of sleep)
The idea that sleep allows the body to repair and restore itself.
Sleep Disorders
Conditions that disrupt normal sleep patterns.
A sleep disorder marked by difficulty falling or staying asleep.
A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks during the day.
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
A disorder where a person physically acts out vivid dreams during REM sleep.
Sleep Apnea
A disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep.
Also known as sleepwalking; performing activities while asleep.
A substance that enhances or mimics the effects of a neurotransmitter.
A substance that blocks or inhibits the effects of a neurotransmitter.
Reuptake Inhibitors
Drugs that prevent the reabsorption of neurotransmitters, increasing their effects.
Psychoactive Drugs
Substances that alter perception, mood, and other mental processes.
Drugs that increase neural activity and speed up body functions.
A stimulant that increases alertness and reduces drowsiness.
A powerful stimulant that produces euphoria and increased energy.
Drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functions.
A depressant that impairs cognitive and motor functions.
Drugs that cause sensory distortions and hallucinations.
A drug that can produce mild euphoria, relaxation, and altered perception.
Drugs derived from opium that relieve pain and induce euphoria.
An opioid drug that creates intense euphoria and is highly addictive.
A reduced response to a drug after repeated use, requiring higher doses.
A compulsive need for and use of a substance despite harmful consequences.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Physical and psychological symptoms that occur when stopping or reducing use of an addictive substance.