Going For Baroque

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Public opera houses

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Public opera houses

________ were established in many cities, beginning in venice in 1637.

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________ demonstrated that the senses and the affections were both instruments of learning, so the eyes and ears could be conduits of human behaviour and a new respect for the senses developed.

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________ was used in music to stimulate emotion.

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Joint stock company

________ pooled the wealth of many individuals while limiting their risk- formed to finance opera houses in bigger cities.

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________- planets move around the sun.

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________- outstanding sculptor of the century, designed st peter's basilica as well as other structures across rome, sculptures make the viewer respond emotionally rather than with detached emotion.

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Religious conflict

________ between german protestants and catholics preceded the thirty years 'war, which devastated germany.

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Golden age of drama

________- shakespeare to racine.

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________ was key to the baroque aesthetic and movement created that- motion depicted in sculptures, active bass lines.

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new classifications

Monteverdi created ________- first and second practices, language for different musical functions (church, chamber, theater, dance), styles implying categories of affections (relaxed, moderate, excited)

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Text expression

________- monteverdi believed that the text dictating its musical setting would make it more emotional (second practice)

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Instrumental music classifications

________- arrangements of movements into sonatas, grouping of sonatas into collections, pairs of contrasting pieces (ex.

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