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Percentage Change (%Δ)
%Δ = (New - Old / Old) x 100
Market Equilibrium
When Qd = Qs
PED (Price Elasticity of Demand)
%Δ in Qd of the product / %Δ in P of the product
XED (Cross Elasticity of Demand)
%Δ in Qd of product A / %Δ of P of product B
YED (Income Elasticity of Demand)
%Δ in Qd of the product / %Δ in the income of the consumer
PES (Price Elasticity of Supply)
%Δ in Qs of the product / %Δ in P of the product
PED Indicators (Values)
PED > 1 - Price Elastic PED < 1 - Price Inelastic PED = 1 - Unit Elastic PED = 0 - Perfectly Inelastic PED = ∞ - Perfectly Elastic
XED Indicators (Values)
Positive Value - Substitutes Negative Value - Complements
YED Indicators (Values)
YED < 0 - Inferior Good YED > 0 - Normal Good YED > 1 - Luxury Good
PES Indicators (Values)
PES > 1 - Supply Elastic PES < 1 - Supply Inelastic PES = 0 - Vertical Supply Curve (inelastic), 0 response to ΔP PES = ∞ - Horizontal Supply Curve (elastic)
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
GDP = C + I + G + (X - M)
C: Consumption I: Investment G: Government Expenditure X: Exports M: Imports
AD (Aggregate Demand)
AD = C + I + G + (X - M)
C: Consumption I: Investment G: Government Expenditure X: Exports M: Imports
GDP Per Capita
GDP / Population
Nominal GDP
Quantity of goods x Price
Real GDP x GDP Deflator
GNI (Gross National Income)
GNI = GDP + (Income from abroad - Income sent abroad)
Real GDP
Real GDP = Nominal GDP / GDP Deflator
Quantity x Base Year Price
Money GDP x ( Price Index in a Base Year / Price Index in the Current Year)
Green GDP / GGDP
Green GDP = GDP - Environmental Costs of Production
Keynesian Multiplier
1 / MPS + MPT + MPM
1 / 1-MPC
Changes in Real GDP / Initial Change in Spending
MPC (Marginal Propensity to Consume)
MPC = Change in Consumption / Change in Income
MPS (Marginal Propensity to Save)
MPS = Change in Savings / Change in Income
MPT (Marginal Propensity to Tax)
MPT = Change in Tax / Change in Income
MPM (Marginal Propensity to Import)
MPM = Change in Imports / Change in Income
CPI (Consumer Price Index)
CPI = ( Price of Goods in Specific Year / Price of Goods in the Base year ) x 100
Inflation Rate
Inflation Rate = ( CPI new - CPI old / CPI old ) x 100
Weighted Price Index
( Cost of Basket in a specific year / Cost of Basket in the base year ) x 100
Gini Coefficient
Area between the Line of Equality and Lorenz Curve / Entire area underneath the Line of Equality
A / A + B
(Refer to Lorenz Curve)
Unemployment Rate
( Number of Unemployed People / Total Labour Force ) x 100
Total Labour Force
Labour Force = Total Number of Employed People + Total Number of Unemployed people
TR (Total Revenue)
TR = p x q
AR ( Average revenue)
AR = TR / q AR = (pxq) /q so... AR = p
MR (Marginal Revenue)
Rate of Change in TR ∆TR / ∆Q
AP (Average Product)
The output produced on average by each worker (variable factor) TP / V Total Product / Quantity of Labour (or other variable factor employed)
MP (Marginal Product)
The extra output produced by using an extra worker (variable factor)
Rate of Change in TP
TC (Total Cost)
TFC + TVC Total fixed costs + Total variable costs AC * Q Average Cost * Quantity
AFC (Average Fixed Cost)
The fixed cost per unit of output TFC / q q = level of output AFC falls as output is increased
AVC (Average Variable Cost)
The variable cost per unit of output TVC / q q = level of output AVC tends to fall as output is increased
ATC or AC (Average Total Cost)
The total cost per unit of output TC / q q = level of output
MC (Marginal Cost)
The total cost of producing an extra unit of output change in TC / change in q q = level of output
TFC (Total Fixed Costs)
Total Costs - Total Variable Costs
TVC (Total Variable Costs)
Total Costs - Total Fixed Costs AVC * C
Terms of Trade
PED index of average export prices/ PED index of average import prices *100
Rate of Change of Currency Value
Current Account + Capital Account + Financial Account + Errors = 0
Marshall Lerner Condition
PED of Exports + PED of Imports > 1 Has to be elastic in order to have auto-correction of a trade deficit.
Supernormal (Abnormal) Profit
Occurs when AR>AC
Subnormal Profit
Occurs when AR<AC
Profit Maximization
Revenue Maximization
When price is at AC=AR...
Normal Profits, Sales Maximized, Break Even, Entry Limit Price.
Allocative Efficiency
Productive Efficiency
Minimum point on AC AC=MC
X Efficiency occurs when...
At any point on AC E.g X efficiency at point__
Dynamic Efficiency
LR Abnormal Profits
Minimum Efficient Scale
At the lowest quantity when AC stops decreasing
Shutdown Condition
May Occur when AR=AVC Will occur when AR<AVC
Average Utility
Total Utility / Q
Marginal Utility
∆TU / ∆Q
Utility Max
MU = 0
Social Cost
Private Costs + External Costs Can be positive or negative
Social Benefit
Private Benefits + External Benefits
Profit Maximization in the Labour market
Marginal Revenue Product = Marginal Cost of Labour
Marshall-Lerner condition
PEDx + PEDm > 1
terms of trade
Average index price of exports / average index price of imports x 100
taxable income
Total income - tax free allowance
average rate of tax
Total income tax paid / total income x 100
marginal rate of tax
Change in total income tax paid / change in total income x 100