bicd 110 — midterm 1 ˚ ౨ৎ ⋆ 。˚ ⋆ (w4)

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what is the nucleus the site of? what does it house?

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what is the nucleus the site of? what does it house?

  • site of transcription

  • houses DNA in eukaryotic cells

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what is the nucleolus? what is it the site of?

  • a membrane-less compartment within the nucleus

  • site of ribosomal biogenesis

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what is the name of the 2 membranes that encloses the nucleus? what are those two membranes?

  • nuclear envelope

  • INM: inner nuclear membrane

  • ONM: outer nuclear membrane

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what is the relationship between the nuclear membrane and the ER membrane?


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what 3 proteins needed to be imported from the cytosol → nucleus?

  1. histones

  2. transcription factos

  3. RNA polymerases

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what protein needs to be exported from the nucleus → cytosol?

ribosomal subunits

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where do all nuclear proteins need to be synthesized and transported to? when do they transport there?

  • synthesized = cytosol → transported nucleus

  • after folding, nuclear proteins transport

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what is the NPC? what does it span?

  • NPC = nuclear pore complex

  • spans both inner/outer membranes

  • one of largest macromolecular assemblies in cell

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what is the pore/NPC composed of?

  • structural nucleoporins, membrane nucleoporins, FG-nucleoporins

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what can pass through the NPC? what can freely diffuse? what needs extra help?

  • ions and small molecules can freely diffuse thru pore

  • proteins < 40kDA: freely diffuse

  • proteins > 40 kDA: need nuclear export signal/nuclear localization

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what forms the nuclear pore complex through both the outer and inner nuclear membranes?

  • membrane nucleoporins (curved regions)

  • structural nucleoporins (Y-complex)

<ul><li><p>membrane nucleoporins (curved regions)</p></li><li><p>structural nucleoporins (Y-complex)</p></li></ul>
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what lines the pore channel? what repeats does it contain?

  • FG-nucleoporins; contain Phe-Gly (hydrophobic) repeats

    • seperated by disordered, hydrophilic stretches

<ul><li><p>FG-nucleoporins; contain Phe-Gly (hydrophobic) repeats</p><ul><li><p>seperated by disordered, hydrophilic stretches</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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what kind of matrix does FG-nucleoporins form? what is allowed to diffuse? what isn’t?

  • form gel-like matrix

  • allows small molecules diffuse

    • prohibit proteins >40 kDa

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what is crucial to the selectivity of NPC (nuclear pore complex)?

  • FG-nucleoporins

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what are nuclear localization signals (NLS)? do they have a motif? what are they rich in?

  • direct proteins → nucleus

  • no strict motif

  • rich in basic amino acids

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<p>what is the goal of this experiment? what is pictured on the left? on the right? </p>

what is the goal of this experiment? what is pictured on the left? on the right?

  • goal: test if NLS (nuclear localization signal) is sufficient to target protein to nucleus

  • left: GFP normal pyruvate kinase in cytosol

  • right: localization of GFP chimeric pyruvate kinase

    • 7-residue NLD drom SV40 T-antigen (P-K-K-K-R-K-V) fused into pyruvate kinase

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<p>what is the conclusion of this experiment?</p>

what is the conclusion of this experiment?

  • NLS is sufficient to target proteins to nucleus

    • even normal cytosolic ones

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what promotes GTP hydrolysis?

GAP (GTPase activating protein)

  • GTP → GDP

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what promotes exchange of GDP for GTP?

GEFs (guanine nucleotide exchange factor)

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what is the general mechanism for nuclear import of proteins? (2 steps)

  • importins recognize NLSs → shuttle cargo into nucleus

  • Nuclear Ran-GTP interacts w importins → release cargo

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in regards to nuclear import of proteins, what does importin bind to? what does it form? what is an importin? where does this occur? (step 1)

  • importin: soluble nuclear transport receptor

  • importin binds to NLS(cargo protein) → importin-cargo compelx

  • cytosol

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in nucelar import of proteins, where does the importin-cargo complex diffuse through? what does it interact with to do this? what does it have a high affinity for? where does this occur? (step 2)

  • importin-cargo complex difffuse thru NPC

    • by interact w FG-nucleoporins

  • importins: ↑ affinity for FG-repears

    • allow movement thru channel

  • cytosol

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what is ran? what is it bound to? how is it found normally in nucleus?

  • ran: small monomeric G protein

  • in nucleus = Ran; interacts w Ran-GEF → ran-GTP

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what does Ran-GTP interact with? what does this do? where does this occur? (step 3)

  • interact w importin; displace NLS-containing cargo

  • nucleus

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in terms of nuclear import of proteins, how is importin and Ran recycled?

  • importin-Ran_GTP complex → diffuse back cytosol (via NPC)

  • Ran interact w Ran-GTP → (GTP→GDP) ↓ importin affinity

  • importin free bind another cargo; Ran-GDP → nucleus

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what is nuclear import of proteins driving by? where is each thing happening?

  • Ran-GAP localization (cytosol)

  • Ran-GEF (nucleus)

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what blocks >40 kD proteins from passing through the NPC?


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what helps >40 Kd proteins pass through the NPC?


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what is the difference between NES (nuclear export signal) and NLS (nuclear localization signal)?

  • NESs: proteins nucleus → cytoplasm

  • NLSs: proteins cytoplasm → nucleus

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do NESs have a strict motif? what are they rich in.

  • NES: nuclear export signals

  • no strict motif; rich in hydrophobic aa

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in nuclear export, what does Ran-GTP in the nucleus bind to? what does it do? what does it increase the affinity for?

  • Ran-GTP (nucelus) bind to exportin1

    • conformational change: ↑ affinity for NES-containing cargo

  • creates exportin-Ran-GTP-cargo

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in nucelar export, where does the exportin-Ran-GTP-cargo diffuse to? how does it do this?

  • diffuses thru NPC → cytosol

  • exportin 1 interacts w FG repeats; to move cargo thru pore

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in nuclear export, what happens in the cytosol to Ran-GAP? where does the produce dissociate from and diffuse to?

  • in cytosol, Ran-GAP interacts w Ran-GTP: GTP → GDP

  • Ran-GDP dissociate from cargo; diffuse back → nucleus

    • Ran-GEF: GDP → Ran-GTP

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<p>what is the 1 difference between the nuclear import and export pathway?</p>

what is the 1 difference between the nuclear import and export pathway?

  • (export) Ran-GTP travels w cargo

  • (import) Ran-GTP doesn’t

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where do most proteins start their translation?


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what are some examples of proteins that use the secretory pathway?

  1. sequence-based targeting to peroxisomes, mitochondria, chloroplasts, nucleus

  2. sequence-based targeting to ER memb and lumen

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what is exocytosis? endocytosis?

  • exocytosis: vesicular transport out of cell

  • endocytosis: vesicular uptake into cell

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what can be used to identify genes that cause a specific phenotype? what are the steps?

  • forward genetic screens

  1. mutagenize = create random DNA damage

    • results unique DNA mutated individuals in population

  2. design phenotypic screen to identify gene of interest

  3. figure out which gene is agitated in mutant

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what is the secretatory pathway used for?

to transport proteins and lipids fr ER; via vesicles

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what % of encoded proteins transit through the secretory pathway?


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what is the early secretory pathway responsible for?

packing and processing of cargo

<p><span>packing and processing of cargo</span></p>
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what is the late secretory pathway/trans-golgi network (TGN) responsible for?

transport to final destination

<p>transport to final destination</p>
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what are the 3 destinations for proteins/lipids traveling through the secretory pathway? name examples if ya can.

  1. lysosme; degrade macromolecules

  2. secretory proteins; digestive enz, antibodies, neurotransmitters

  3. plasma membrane; receptors, channels, cell-adhesion molecules

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what was instrumental in decoding the secretory pathway?

temperature-sensitive (ts) alleles

  • allow to disturb gene function; temperature dependent

  • basically missense mutation at restirctive temp

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how were temperature-sensitive alleles used to decode the secretory pathway? what bacteria was used? what was identified?

  • created library of S. cerevisiae (budding yeast) where secretion was perturbed

  • used permissive temp (24°C)

    restrictive temp (37⁰C)

  • identified sec1

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what happens at permissive temperature? restrictive temperature?

  • permissive (24°C) = protein folds normally

  • restrictive (37°C) = protein x fold, function impaires

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are sec genes functionally/biochemically similar?


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what were the 3 contributions to science of the secretory pathway (randy schekman)?

  1. secretion/assemble = physically/functionally linked via obligate organelle intermediates

  2. polypeptide translocation + vesicular traffic has been conversed thru evolution

  3. COPII coat sorts cargo by recognition of transport signals + deforms ER membrane to create budded vesicles

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what are vesicles enclosed by? what do they contain? are the membrane faces conversed during budding and fusion?

  • enclosed by membrane

  • contains proteins/small molecules

  • yes, they are conserved

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what are the 5 basic principles of vesicular trafficking? describe them.

  1. specific proteins needed → coat formation/choose cargo

  2. coat proteins; deform membrane, choose which cargo will be in vesicles

  3. protein coat falls off after vesicles budded from membrane; allow vesicle fuse w target membrane

  4. protein needed for fusion; determine where vesicle will b targets, physically pull vesicular + target membrane together → promote fusion

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is ER-golgi trafficking unidirectional or bidirectional?


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where do proteins/membranes move from in the anterograde transport? what vesicles are used?

  • membrane/proteins: ER —vesicles→ cis-golgi

  • COPII vesicles

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where do proteins/membranes move from in the retrograde transport? what vesicles are used?

  • membrane/proteins recycled back to ER

  • COPI vesicles

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where does anterograde and retrograde trafficking occur?

between cisternae of the golgi apparatus (processing center)

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what happens at the golgi apparatus?

  • modification carbohydrate chains on proteins

  • sorting cargo back to ER

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what are the 3 main steps to COPII coat assembly?

  1. protein recruitment (coat) → cytosolic face ER membrane; help deform membrane

  2. cycles of GTP hydrolysis regulate coat dis/assembly

  3. coat formation = tied to cargo sorting

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during COPII coat assembly, what is inserted into the ER membrane? how does this do this with GTP? what protein does it interact with?

  • Sar1-GTP interacts with ER memb protein Sec12

  • Sec12 GEF activity → stimulated Sar1 GTP → GDP exchange

  • Sar-GTP → conformational change; integrated N-terminal amphipathic helix → ER memb outer leaflet

<ul><li><p><strong>Sar1-GTP </strong>interacts with ER memb protein <strong>Sec12</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>Sec12 GEF</strong> activity → stimulated Sar1 GTP → GDP exchange </p></li><li><p><strong>Sar-GTP</strong> → conformational change; integrated N-terminal amphipathic helix → ER memb outer leaflet</p></li></ul>
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during COPII coat assembly, what coat proteins are recruited? what do they bind to? how do they come off the ER membrane?

  • Sar1-GTP recruit Sec23/Sec24 coat proteins

  • Sec23/Sec24 binds sorting signals in membrane cargo protein cytosolic domains

  • Sec13/Sec31 coat complexes assembles into coat; complete coat assembly

  • after coat assembles: COPII vesicle, w Sec23/Sec24 + v-SNARES, pinches off ER membrane

<ul><li><p>Sar1-GTP recruit Sec23/Sec24 coat proteins</p></li><li><p>Sec23/Sec24 binds sorting signals in membrane cargo protein cytosolic domains</p></li><li><p>Sec13/Sec31 coat complexes assembles into coat; complete coat assembly</p></li><li><p>after coat assembles: COPII vesicle, w Sec23/Sec24 + v-SNARES, pinches off ER membrane</p></li></ul>
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during COPII coat assembly, what are the coat proteins? what are the coat complexes?

  • Sec23/Sec24 = coat proteins

  • Sec13/Sec31 = coat complexes

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during COPII coat assembly, what happens in GTP hydrolysis? what stimulates it? what is the effect?

  • Sec23 GAP stimulates Sar1 GTP hyrodolysis

  • conformation change in Sar1

<ul><li><p>Sec23 GAP stimulates Sar1 GTP hyrodolysis</p></li><li><p>conformation change in Sar1</p></li></ul>
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In COPII coat assemble, how does the coat disassemble? what releases from what?

  • Sar1-GDP releases from vesicle membrane

  • triggers disassembly

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what location does COPII coat assembly prefer? what happens here? where are they distributed? where do they form?

  • ERES: ER exit sites

  • major sites of cargo packing + COPII vesicle formation

  • distributed throughout cell

  • form at regions of high membrane curvature

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for COPII vesicles, what is recognized that allows for sorting of internal membrane proteins? what recognizes them?

sorting signals; Sec24 subunit of COPII

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what are the 2 things COPII vesicles are mediated by? what recognizes them?

  1. diacidic sorting signal: Asp-x-Glu (GxE)

  2. dihydrophobic signal: Phe-Phe (FF)

  • Sec24 subunit of COPII coat binds to sorting signal

<ol><li><p>diacidic sorting signal: Asp-x-Glu (GxE)</p></li><li><p>dihydrophobic signal: Phe-Phe (FF)</p></li></ol><ul><li><p>Sec24 subunit of COPII coat binds to sorting signal</p></li></ul>
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where are Sec 24 sorting signals found

found on cytosolic side of integral membrane proteins

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in terms of COPII vesicles, what allows the packing of luminal cargo/ER lumen proteins? what does this do?

  • interactions w transmembrane proteins that are also being sorted

  • sorts proteins into COPII vesicles

<ul><li><p>interactions w transmembrane proteins that are also being sorted</p></li><li><p>sorts proteins into COPII vesicles</p></li></ul>
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in terms of COPII vesicles and sorting ER lumen proteins in into COPII vesicles, what protein modifications are recognized? what are they bounded by?

  • proteins w/ (Man)8(GIcNAc)2 modification are recognizes

  • bonded by ERGIC-53

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what is ERGIC-53? what type of protein is it? what is on the tail?

  • lectin = carbohydrate-binding protein

  • type I transmembrane protein w/ dihydrophobic motif (FF) in cytoplasmic tail

<ul><li><p>lectin = carbohydrate-binding protein</p></li><li><p>type I transmembrane protein w/ dihydrophobic motif (FF) in cytoplasmic tail</p></li></ul>
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in the ER lumen (pH 7.3) what ix the relationship of binding btwn ERGIC-53 and bound cargo?


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in the cis-golgi (pH 6.5) what is the relationship of binfing btwn the ERGIC-53 and cargo? what does this allow?

  • reduced

  • after vesicles fuse at cis-golgi → allow cargo release

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in terms of COPII vesicles, are all cargos the same size? give an ex

no; collagen (larger than typical COPII vesicle)

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what is the additional component of the COPII coat that makes vesicles for large cargo?


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how are uncoated vesicles target to a specific membrane? what is attached? how?

  • cytosolic Rab-GDP is attached to uncoated vesicle membrane

  • via lipid anchor

  • rab = prenylated; covalent attachment of lipid

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in COPII vesicle targeting and fusion, are Rabs specific? what does this provide for the vesicle types?

  • yes, Rabs are specific

  • provide code for vesicles to be defines by bound Rab

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what converts Rab-GDP (inactive) → Rab-GTP (active)?

GEF in vesicle membrane

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what is COPII vesicle targeting and fusion done by?

Rab-GTP mediated targeting

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in COPII vesicle targeting and fusion, what does Rab-GTP recognize and bind? where is it located? where does it dock?

  • Rab-GTP recognized/binds to Rab effector (target membrane)

  • docks vesicle to membrane

<ul><li><p>Rab-GTP recognized/binds to Rab effector (target membrane)</p></li><li><p>docks vesicle to membrane</p></li></ul>
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in COPII vesicle targeting and fusion, what SNARE proteins form stable coiled-coil interactions? what does this do?

  • v-SNARE and t-SNARE

  • after vesicle docked, v/t-SNAREs form coiled interactions

  • brings membrane closer to fuse

<ul><li><p>v-SNARE and t-SNARE</p></li><li><p>after vesicle docked, v/t-SNAREs form coiled interactions</p></li><li><p>brings membrane closer to fuse</p></li></ul>
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what is v-SNARE and t-SNARE?

  • v-SNARE = SNAREs on vesicle membrane

  • t-SNARE = SNAREs on target membrane

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in COPII vesicle targeting and fusion, how is the SNARE complex disassembles?

  • after fusion, NSP and alpha-SNAP + ATP → seperate SNARE complex

<ul><li><p>after fusion, NSP and alpha-SNAP + ATP → seperate SNARE complex</p></li></ul>
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what are the 3 general steps of COPI coat assembly at the cis-golgi that initiates retrograde trafficking?

  1. coat recruitment → cytosolic face of cis-membrane; helps defrom membrane

  2. GTP hydrolysis cycles regulate coat dis/assembly

  3. coat formation and cargo sorting is tied

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in COPI coat assemble, what is inserted into the outer leaflet of the cis-golgi membrane? how does it reach this activated state? what proteins do this? (step 1)

  • Arf1-GTP inserts → outer leaflet of cis-golgi membrane

  • Arf1-GDP + p23/p24 (cis-Golgi type I transmemb proteins) interact

  • GBF1 GEF stimulate Arf1 (GDP —> GTP)

  • Arf1-GTP → conformational change

    • integrated N-termin amphipathic helic → membrane outer leaflet

<ul><li><p>Arf1-GTP inserts → outer leaflet of cis-golgi membrane</p></li><li><p>Arf1-GDP + p23/p24 (cis-Golgi type I transmemb proteins) interact</p></li><li><p>GBF1 GEF stimulate Arf1 (GDP —&gt; GTP)</p></li><li><p>Arf1-GTP → conformational change</p><ul><li><p>integrated N-termin amphipathic helic → membrane outer leaflet</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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in COPI coat assemble, how is the coat assembles and the cargo sorted?what does Arf1-GTP recruit? what does that bind to? what 2 things happens as the coat assembles? (step 2)

  1. Arf1-GTP recruit heptameric coatomer coat protein complex

  2. coatomer protein binds to sorting signals (cytosolic domain of transmembrane protein)

  3. as coat assembles, membrane curves + pinches off as COPI vesicle (w/ cargo proteins + v-SNAREs)

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in COPI vesicle cargo sorting, what is inside the COPI vesicle after the membrane curves and the vesicle is pinches off?

  1. cargo proteins

  2. v-SNAREs

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in COPI coat assembly, when does GTP hydrolysis occur? (step 3)

after vesicle pinch off; ArFGAP → Arf1 GTP hyodrolysis

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in COPI coat assembly, what happens when the coat is released? (step 4)

  • Arf1-GDP falls off from vesicle memb

    • cause disassembly of coat

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what allows proteins to be recyled back to the ER? what vesicles do they use?

retrograde trafficking (COPI)

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what is the KDEL sorting signal? what does it do? why is it important?

  • KDEL sorting signal = Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu sorting signal on c-terminal target proteins on ER back

  • targets proteins → ER

  • KDEL-containing proteins must be returned to ER to prevent depletion of profile folding proteins in ER lumen

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what problem caused for KDEL sorting signals to exist?

  • ER resident proteins = nonspecifically pack → COPII vesicles bc ↑ amnts in ER lumen

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how to KDEL sorting signals target proteins to ER? what pH environments are needed? what sorting signal is used? what vesicle is used?

  • KDEL R (cis-golgi memb) beinds to KDEL sequences in acidic (6.5 pH)

  • KDEL R has KXX (Lys-Lys-X-X) sorting signal that binds to COPI coatomer subunit

    • or di-arginine sorting signal

  • KDEL R dissociates from KDEL sequences in neutral environment (pH 7.2)

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