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what type of tissue is blood?
what is in the buffy coat?
white blood cells platelets
what is the most numerous formed element in blood?
red blood cells
does an erythrocyte have a nucles or organelles?
no nucleus, very few organelles
what is the normal level of hemoglobin in blood?
250 million per red blood cell
what are the three types of anemia?
decreased rbc’s, decreased amount of hemoglobing, abnormal hemoglobin
what is the normal white blood cell count?
4000-11000 cells per mL
what are the three types of granulocytes?
neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
what type of wbc increases during allergies?
what type of wbs contains histamine?
what type of wbc becomes a macrophage?
what type of cells are platelets a fragment of?
what are the two types of stem cells, and what does each develop into?
lymphoid stem cells —> lymphocytes
myeloid stem cells —> erythrocytes, platelets, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils
what is the lifespan of a rbc?
100 - 120 days
what is a young rbc called?
what is the hormone that regulates erthryocyte production?
what is hemostasis?
stoppage of bleeding
what is the correct sequence of steps of hemostasis?
vascular spasms, platelet plug formation, coagulation
how long does it normally take blood to clot?
3-6 minutes
what is a thrombus?
a clot in an unbroken blood vessel
what is an embolus?
a blood clot that has broken loose and is floating freely in the blood stream
what is an antigen?
a toxin or other foreign substance which induces and immune response in the body
what is agglutination?
clumping of red blood cells
what blood type is the universal donor?
what blood types is the universal receipient?
what determines the ABO blood groups?
antibodies that act against the antigen
what are the names of the antigens?
A & B
what is RhoGan? when is it given
injection of antibodies given to a mother right after giving birth
what is blood typing?
the blood sample is mixed with antibodies and they see if any of the antibodies stick to each other
what is the function of hemoglobin?
carry oxygen
what is leukopenia?
abnormally low leukocyte level
what is a hemocytoblast?
common stem cell
carry oxygen
carry oxygen
phagocyte inside tissue, fights infection
phagocyte at the site of infection
initiates inflammation
role in the immune system