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Jacob Burckhardt
Created the modern concept of the Renaissance
High Renaissance
Final stage of Renaissance art
Three artistic giants of High Renaissance
Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo
Who represents the transitional figure in the shift to the High Renaissance?
Leonardo da VINCI
Who painted the last supper?
Leonardo da Vinci
Who painted The School of Athens
Who made the David statue and painted the Sistine chapel?
End of the Great Schism
1417 and the Council of Constance
John Wycliffe
(c.1328-1384) Forerunner to the Reformation. Created English Lollardy. Attacked the corruption of Biblical teachings.
John Hus
burned at the stake at Council of Constance (1415) for his ideas about the Church. Folowers Hussites.
Sacrosanct and Frequens
Provided for a legislative system within the church superiors to the popes.
What dies the Renaissance papacy encompass?
line of popes from
the end of the Great Schism (1417) to the beginnings of the Ref- ormation
favoritism to relatives
Who was the Oxford theologian?
John Wycliffe
The Black Death yrs
How many years did the Famine last due to the Little Ice Age
Bubonic plague
Main killer of the Black Death. Attacks the lymph nodes.
Pneumonic plague
Attacks the lungs.
Mortality rate of the Black Death
The Hundred Years War
The most well known conflict of this century. England vs France.
Why did the Hundred Years' War start?
Empty French throne.
The Battle of Crècy
1346. More French than English soldiers.
What was the WEAPON that gave the English the advantage over the French?
The longbow
Winners of Battle of Agincourt.
Who wins more victories in the Hundred Years' War
Joan of Arc
Maid of Orleans. Leads French to victory over the English. SYMBOL OF FRENCH NATIONALISM.
Weapon of the French during a Hundred Years War?
Who wins Hundred Years War?
Years of Popes at Avignon/Babylonian Captivity of the papacy
When was the Gutenberg move able type printing press invented?
A.D. 1440
When was the sack of Constantinople by Ottoman Turks/end of Byzantine Empire
A.D. 1453
Little Ice Age
13th Century weather climate chanfe
Black Death 💀
Mid14th century. Spread by black rats. 🐀 Originated in Asia
What was the most terrifying natural calamity of the Middle Ages
Black Death
What was the most devastating natural disaster in European history?
Black Death
Organized massacres of Jews who were believed to have caused Black Death.
What was the most famous revolt after the Black Death
Ciompi—wool workers in Florence
Causes of the Hundred Year's War
Duchy of Gascony (land)
No male heir to take over French throne
King of England during Hundred Year's War
Edward VIII
Battle of Crécy
1346. England wins. "Not decisive" win however
Battle of Poitiers
Ended the first phase of the Hundred Year's War
King who started the Hundred Year's War again
Henry V
Battle of Agincourt
England wins. 1415
Some of the false teachings of the early church
Holy Orders
What are sacraments?
The means of God's grace.
Papal Reformation
Pope becoming more powerful. Popes = political power
Lay Investiture
A.D. 1077. Secular ruler appoints someone to church office.
Gregory VII (Pope)
Known for his conflict with Henry IV. Established a papal monarchy.
Tried to get back to a very pure order of monks. More authentic Christian life.
1200s. Founded by Saint Francis of Acece (A-see-see). Lived a life of poverty and piety. Offer care to the poor.
Combated heresy against the Roman Catholic Church. Chief defenders and offer doctrinal integrity.
Petrobrusians and Waldensians
A.D. 1054. Translated Bible into common language.
How did the Roman Catholic Church handle the Cathars?
Roman Catholic Church waged a crusade against the Cathars.
A Roman Catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy - especially the one active in Spain during the 1400s.
Saracen's—Seljuk Turks
What happened in 1095
Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims
Code for Chivalry
Secure land
Seek adventure
Religion itself
15-20 thousand peasants.
First Crusade 1096-1099
Take over Antioch. Takeover Jerusalem.
First Crusade
What were the years of the First Crusade
What two places did the Crusaders (from the First Crusade) attack?
Crusader Kingdoms
Christian kingdoms in the holy land
Saracens counterattacks
Saladin captures Jerusalem
Years of SecondCrusade
Two major kings of the Second Crusade
Louis VII the Saint. Conrad III.
Most unsuccessful crusade
Another name for the Third Crusade
Crusade of Kings. Due to the great number of kings participating in it.
Which kings were part of the Third Crusade?
Richard I. "LIONHEARTED". England.
Phillip II. From France.
Frederick Barbarossa. Spain.
What happens between Richard I and Saladin?
Peace treaty. Allowing Christians to access JERUSALEM.
Fourth Crusade
Franks sack Constantinople. Rule of the Franks.
Children's Crusade.
30,000 children led away to slavery due to deception.
Results of the Crusades
Revival of trade
Weakened church
European imperialism
Focus on Europe
Arabs confined
"Missionary society"
King Canute
The Danish King who united all of England
Edward the Confessor
Restored AngloSaxon line from Danes
William of Normandy
Cousin of Edward the Confessor.
Harold Godwinson
Had an army that went against Norman invaders.
Battle of Hastings
One of the most famous battles in English history. Where the Anglo Saxon lost against the Normans.
William the Conqueror was crowned king when?
Christmas time
Oath of Salisbury Plain
A requirement making subvassals swear loyalty to the king and liege lord.
Domesday Book
A record of all the property and holdings in England commissioned by William the Conqueror in 1066 so he could determine the extent of his lands and wealth
Henry II
Founder of the new Plantagenet dynasty
Permanent royal treasury
Common law
Law common to all the people in a land
Magna carta
Great charter. A feudal document
Where and when was the Magna Carta signed?
Runnymede 1215
English Parliament
two knights from every county and two burgesses from every town or city, as well as the barons and ecclesiastical lords.
Kings of France (specific line of kings)
King Phillip II
Gained control of French territories from King John of England
Louis IX
One of the most celebrated of the French medieval kings
Phillip the Fair (IV)
Made the three major branches of royal administration.
Estates general
The first French parliament
Christian reconquest.
Salian Kings
Made Germany a major monarchy and powerful empire
Frederick II
Most brilliant of the Hohenstaufen rulers
Duke William of Aquitaine (Catholic Church Reform)
-founded the abbey of Cluny
both interference by nonmembers of the clergy in elections and their participation in the installation of prelates).
censure by which a person is deprived of receiving the sacraments of the church.