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The use of techniques to create the illusion of a three-dimensional scene on a two-dimensional surface in art.
A renowned artist, architect, and sculptor known for his works such as the Sistine Chapel's roof and the sculpture of David.
Leonardo Di Vinci
A polymath of the Renaissance known for his skills in painting, sculpting, and inventing. His famous works include the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Machiavelli's view on love and fear
Machiavelli believes that if a prince cannot be both loved and feared, it is better to be feared. He argues that people's fear of consequences prevents them from betraying a feared prince in times of need.
Humanism in Renaissance art
Humanism is reflected in Renaissance art through the emphasis on human achievements and abilities. Examples include Michelangelo's David, which draws inspiration from ancient Roman freestanding statues, and Raphael's School of Athens, which incorporates human greatness and ancient Greek philosophy.
Machiavelli's political advice vs. traditional view:Machiavelli's political advice differs from the traditional view, which focused on honor and nobility. He argues that politicians should prioritize ruling the state and recognizing its needs, rather than seeking honor and glory.