long, slender connecting cells in phloem sieve tube elements are cells in angiosperms, sieve cell in gymnosperm assoicated with specialized parenchyma cells called albuminous cells usually not derived from the same cell by mitosis, but perform similar role as companion cell
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sieve tube elements
found in phloem aligned end to end into sieve tubes associated with specialized parenchyma cells (nucleated companion cells) derived from the same cell by mitosis and have numerous plasmodesmatal connections both function together in phloem transport
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sieve tube elements and companion cells
P-proteins staunch wounds continuous wall called a sieve plate
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Medullary rays
"pith rays" composed primarily of parenchyma and transport for nutrients for occlusion of xylem vessels for deposition of terpenes in formation of heartwood
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Vascular bundle:Eudicot
In secondary growth, the vascular cambium forms between the primary xylem and primary phloem and produces new xylem to the inside and new phloem to the outide
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the part of the primary xylem that differentiates early, while adjacent cells are still elongating
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Living vascular tissue that carries sugar and organic substances throughout a plant produced in primary and secondary growth
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The part of the primary phloem that differentiates early, while adjacent cells are still elongating during primary growth often stretched and destroyed as part of expansion and elongation analogous to protoxylem
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Protophloem vs. protoxylem
both elongate, dead at maturity, heavily lignified, provide support but also conduct water and mineral nutrients inside the stem
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companion cells
the active cells found next to sieve tube elements that supply the phloem vessels with all of their metabolic needs
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where is protoxylem
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a soluble gelatinous polysaccharide that is present in ripe fruits and is extracted for use as a setting agent in jams and jellies
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primary wall
alive during maturity
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secondary wall
if lignified, dead a maturity if not lignified, marenchyma, alive at maturity
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Xylem froms and function
tracheary elements, tracheids, and vessel elements- conduct/transport water and minerals fibers- support and sometimes storage parenchyma- storage
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vessel elements
A short, wide, water conducting cell found in the xylem of most angiosperms and a few nonflowering vascular plants. Dead at maturity, vessel elements are aligned end to form micropipes called vessels.
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Phloem form and function
sieve elements- long distance transport of food Sieve and albuminous cells, sieve-tibe elements- materials and signaling molecules Scelerenchyma, fibers, sclereids- support, sometimes storage parenchyma-storage