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Critical Thinking
a process that involves a series of complex thought processes which allows an individual to make reasoned judgements, asses the way we think, and solve problems effectively.
The Old Version of Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain
The New Version of Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain
Inquisitive, Investigative, Open-minded, and Evaluates information
Importance of Critical Thinking IN READING
critical thinking makes you recognize different texts and react to them intelligently.
Importance of Critical Thinking IN WRITING
a critical approach provides you with the skills to create well-written text.
Fallacies of Reasoning
Hasty Generalization
Argumentum ad Ignoratiam
Slippery Slope
Circular Reasoning
Argumentum ad Populum
Fallacy of Composition
Argumentum ad Baculum
Argumentum ad Hominem
False Dilemma
Complex Question
Appeal to Force
Appeal to Pity
Appeal to Consequences
Anonymous Authority
False Analogy
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hock
Wrong Direction
Complex Cause
Irrelevant Conclusion
Straw Man
Affirming the Consequent
Denying the Antecedent
Hasty Generalization
this occurs when a sample is not significant enough to support a generalization about a population.
Argumentum ad Ignoratiam
this occurs when something is concluded to be true just because it is not proven to be false and vice versa.
Slippery Slope
this occurs when a series of increasingly superficial and unacceptable consequences is drawn.
Circular Reasoning
this occurs when the reasoning just goes back to itself.
Argumentum ad Populum
this occurs when an idea is proved based on popular belief or because it has been stated by an elite of the society.
Fallacy of Composition
this occurs when it’s claimed that a whole is true because a part of it is true.
Argumentum ad Baculum
tis occurs when the argument appeals to the human emotions specifically fear, by the use of threat and force.
Argumentum ad Hominem
this occurs when the personality of the person is attacked rather than the validity of the arguments.
False Dilemma
this occurs when an arguer presents his/her argument as one of only two options despite the presence of multiple possibilities.
Complex Question
when two or more points are rolled into one and the reader is expected to either accept and reject both at the same time, when one point may be satisfactory while the other is not.
Appeal to Force
this occurs when a threat, instead of reasoning, is used to argue.
Appeal to Pity
this occurs when the element of pity is used instead of logical reasoning.
Appeal to Consequences
this occurs when unpleasant consequences of believing something are pointed out to show that the belief is false.
this occurs when an argument is considered to be valid because it is what the majority thinks.
Anonymous Authority
the authority in question is not mentioned or named.
False Analogy
this occurs when a writer assumes that two concepts that are similar in other ways.
this occurs when a general rule is applied to a situation, even when it should be an exception.
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
this occurs when the arguer claims that since event A happened before event B, A is the cause of B.
Wrong Direction
this occurs when the direction between the cause and effect is reversed.
Complex Cause
this occurs when the explanation for an event is reduced to one thing when there are other factors which also contributed to the event.
Irrelevant Conclusion
this occur when an argument which is supposed to prove something concludes something else instead.
Straw Man
this occurs when the position of the opposition is twisted so that is easier to refute.
Affirming the Consequent
in any argument of the form: if A is true, then B is true; if B is true, therefore A is true.
Denying the Antecedent
in any argument of the form: if A is true, then B is true; if A is not true, then B is not true.
it occurs when arguments contradict one another.