The scientific study of language, including its structure, usage, and development over time.
Sequent Occupance
A concept that successive societies leave their cultural imprints on a place, contributing to the cumulative cultural landscape.
Cultural Landscape
The visible imprint of human activity and culture on the physical environment.
Ethnic Neighborhoods
Urban areas where people of a specific ethnicity cluster together, forming communities that reflect their cultural heritage.
Indigenous Communities
Culturally distinct groups of people who are the original inhabitants of a region.
Centripetal Cultural Forces
Forces that unify a society and promote stability, such as a shared language or national identity.
Centrifugal Cultural Forces
Forces that divide a society and create conflict or instability.
Cultural Hearth
The origin or birthplace of a cultural trait, idea, or practice that spreads to other regions.
Cultural Relativism
The principle of understanding and evaluating cultural practices within their own context.
Cultural Imperialism
The dominance of one culture over another, leading to the diminishing of local culture.
The process through which individuals adopt aspects of a different culture while retaining elements of their original culture.
The process through which individuals fully adopt the culture of another society.
Mental Map
A person's internalized representation of the world based on knowledge and experiences.
Formal Region
An area defined by measurable traits, such as climate or political boundaries.
Functional Region
An area organized around a central node or focal point.
Perceptual Region
A region defined by people's perceptions or cultural identity.
Carrying Capacity
The maximum population size an environment can sustain without degrading its resources.
Demographic Transition Model
A model that describes the stages of population growth and decline as societies develop.
A perspective emphasizing the need to address population growth and resource strain.
Policies that encourage higher birth rates.
Policies aimed at reducing birth rates.
Push Factors
Negative conditions that drive people to leave a place.
Pull Factors
Positive conditions that attract people to a new place.
Absolute Location
The precise geographic coordinates of a place.
Relative Location
A place's location in relation to other landmarks.
The practice of meeting present needs without compromising future generations' ability to meet theirs.
Thematic Maps
Maps that focus on specific topics or themes.
Social Revolution
A significant shift in societal structures or norms.
Arable Land
Land that is fertile and suitable for agriculture.
Industrial Revolution
A period of rapid industrialization marked by technological innovation.
The process by which cultural elements spread from one place to another.
Relating to the arrangement of places or phenomena on the Earth's surface.
Relocation Diffusion
The spread of a cultural trait through the physical movement of people.
Hierarchical Diffusion
The spread of an idea from nodes of authority to others.
Contagious Diffusion
The rapid spread of a cultural trait through a population.
Environmental Determinism
The theory that the physical environment shapes human behavior and culture.
The belief that human culture can overcome environmental challenges.
Doubling Time
The amount of time it takes for a population to double in size.
The scientific study of population characteristics.
The art and science of creating maps.
Areas characterized by low population density and agriculture.
Areas with high population density and development.
The process by which rural areas transform into urban areas.
A situation where population exceeds environmental capacity.
Physiologic Density
The number of people per unit of arable land.
Arithmetic Density
Total number of people divided by total land area.
A term referring to the urbanized corridor from Boston to Washington, D.C.
A large urban area formed by merging several metropolitan areas.
A person forced to flee their country due to safety threats.
The application of engineering to biological systems.
Chemicals used to eliminate pests.
Chemicals used to kill unwanted plants.