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what is the first system to function in utero
Cardiovasulcar system
Contractions of the heart begin at
17 days
Blood is circualting by
4 weeks
cardiovacular system is derived from
fetal heart sounds detected by
8-10 weeks gestation
Normal newborn heart rate
120-125 (150-160 when crying)
Normal newborn BP
placenta acts at the
lungs bring O2 to the heart and body of teh embryo
Three shunts permit most of the blood to bypass liver and lungs
ductus venosus, forament ovale, ductus arteriosus
What bypasses the liver
ductus cenosus
What by pass the lungs
forament ovale and ductus arteriosus
there is a high resistance to blood flow into the lung whcih only recieves
10% of the total blood volume (just enough for development)
at birth the placenta disconnects from the baby which
occuldes placental circulation
There is an immediate decrease in blood pressure in the
inferior vena cava and right artrium which occurs at the same time the baby takes strong breath
aeration of the lungs occurs which dramaically decreased the pulmonary resistance and
allows the pulmonary arteries to dialate
Increase pulmonary blood flow=
increase pressure L atrium> declining pressure in R atrium causing foramen ovale to close `
When does ductus arteriosus closes
within 15-24 hours after birth
The high oxygen content of aortic blood cuases teh lungs to stop releasing
prostaglandin is
a chemical that keeps the ductus arteriosus open
Theumbilical vein and arteries close or constrict when
the umbilical cord is cut, these closures are functional at first but become anatomical as tissue proliferates and forms ligaments in their place
how does a newborn heart lies
horizontally in chest cavity and as lung expand the chest cavity growths and it assumes a more veritcal position
Irredular newborn is not unusual because
the ANS/conductiivty/heart position time to stabilize
at birth the thickness of R and L ventricle walls are
Stroke volume of a child is
3-4ml (compare to adult 60ml)
Boys and girls HR are similar <10yo, after puberty girls HR
slightly higher than boys
Traneient heart murmurs (Lub dub dub) are
common in childhood
To check for cyanosis
look arund nose, lips, nasal bridge
Respiratory system arises fron the
The cheif cause of perinatal death is
failure of the repiratoy system to function adequately
With regards to the respiratory system what occurs at the 4th week
laryngotracheal tube develops with bronchial buds
With regards to the respiratory system what occurs at the 17th weeks
bronchioles and all major elements of lungs developed except those involved in gas exchange
With regards to the respiratory system what occurs at the 24th week
each terminal bronchiole has become wider and given rise to two or more respiratory bronchioles.
Respiration is now possible at 24 weeks because
thin-walled saccules, called terminal sacs (immature alveoli) have developed at the ends of teh respiratory bronchioles.
A preme born at 24 weeks is unliekly to survive because
decrease alveoli surface area, underdeveloped vascularity, and surfactant begins to be secrete
Surfactant is important because
it lowers the surface tension in alveoli and precents atelectasis of the lungs
With regards to the respiratory system what occurs at 28-32 weeks
fetus has sufficient casularized terminal sacs and surfactant to survive if born prematurely, at terminal sacs increase in size they become mature alveoli
pre-birth mature alveoli
do not exist before birth and gas exchange does not occur until birth
respiratory movements occur long before to cause aspiration of
amniotic fluid into the lungs to keep them slightly expanded
at birth areation of the lungs and liquid is replaced by air by 3 routes
1/3 expelled from the lungs through the mouth adn nose during delivery from pressure on bab'y’s thorax
1/3 enters the pulmonary capilaries also from the pressure on thorax
1/3 passes into the lymphatic
Pulmonary lymphatics in the fetus are
largers and more numerous than in the adult and lymph flow is very high during the first few hours after birth, then it diminishes
after birth the lung size increase due to an icnrease in teh number of
immature alveoli for up to four years of age
infants are obligatory nose breathers because
larynx is up high and soft
newborn diagphragm has less
type 1 fibers compared to an adult