What you enjoy doing, are good at and would love to be paid for.
Reason for being or reason to wake up in the morning.
the term of Ikigai comes from
Okinawa, Japan. People considered having a purpose related to longer and happier lives
Placement test
Gives you a variety of careers and professions by measuring your academic knowledge and highest scoring areas.
You can choose a career that better matches your
Personality, (Otherwise, you'll have a hard time with the career)
In Mexican prehispanic civilizations (Mexican or Aztec) education was very important
It was considered a way to continue family linage and work
2 schools for boys
Telpochcalli and Calmecac
School for commoners, boys required to move to the school and were trained for battle and public work (farming and building).
School for nobles' sons. The boys were taught a variety of subjects. They'll become leaders
Both schools considered
The importance of shaping the young men's personality in order to become what they're destined to be.
ÂżWhat did agriculture change?
The way that people lived and interacted from thousands of years. Children learnt required skills to keep this activity. Communities grew into cities, the need for formal education started.
The first schools were created for...
Religious training only. Afterwards, schools were the places to train boys into the military or how to behave
This tendency was kept during centuries until the...
Middle Ages, were university-type institutions to cultivate higher knowledge were reserved for higher classes.
The Industrial Revolution impacted education in 2 ways:
Schools passed to the government and by law. Children must have some sort of formal education. (to have more qualified employees.)
Types of degrees
Associate's degrees, Bachelor's degrees or Undergraduate Degrees, Master's degrees and Doctoral's degrees
Associate's degrees
Takes you around two years Also called Foundation Degrees or TĂ©cnico Superior
Bachelor's degrees or Undergraduate Degrees
Licenciatura Take four years or more
Master's degrees
One year to three years They require a Bachelor's Degree in order to enroll
Doctoral's degrees
Highest degree Most doctoral degrees require a master's degree in order to enroll.
Types of college
Community college, Career college, Liberal Arts college, Arts college and Institutes of Technology
Community college
Public institutions that offer Associates Degrees or Certificate Programs Open admissions, their admissions process is incredibly easy, more affordable.
Career college
Also known as trade schools, vocational colleges Give you job-oriented training meant to provide all the skills necessary to join the workforce They grant Associate's Degrees, Bachelor's Degrees and even Master's Degrees.
Liberal Arts college
Focus on teaching a variety of subjects, including the arts and sciences, aim to develop intellectual capacities. They generally offer Associate's and Bachelor's Degrees.
Arts college
Form of a fine arts college, where you study painting, sculpture, literature or music performance, or in the form of a general art college.
Institutes of Technology
Offer undergraduate and graduate degrees that fall into the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Generally more equipped for research in these areas.
Student's ability to perform based on the skills possessed A college or university match generally refers to grades (good enough)
Based on your personality, finances, interests, learning type and social environment you want to be. (Must take in count in the enlisted aspects)
Steps to choose a career
Self- discovery, or assessment of who you are and what you like.
Explore the pros and cons of your career, such as trends, and salary.
Set your goals straight and contact the universities you have researched. Make a list of questions before contacting
Double mayor
Both majors must belong to the same field of studies. Usually in the same university.
Dual degree
Gives you two degrees on two very different fields. You can earn two separate degrees in 5 or 6 years
Road map
Guide you to your main goals in the next 6 years and6 years after obtaining your degree , it's a way to plan to your professional life o decided career
Considerations while creating a Road Map:
•Strengths and areas of opportunity •Your core values and attitudes •Skills •Desired work environment •College or university of choice •Organizations that are relevant to your career •Tuition costs •Lifestyle and costs of living •Alternative routes
Alternative routes
Backup plan in case you change some decisions, or you feel there is another route.
It's a professional program where you gain experience in a specific field. Sometimes is paid or not. It's useful while applying for jobs when recently graduated.
Is the action to plan how much money will something cost and if you're able to afford it. Can help to see how much money do you spend and how much do you have.
Budget divides in 3
Income, loans and debts
Income or Salary and extra money you receive
Money you borrow from an institution
Money you owe to someone or a bank
Summary of your education, work experience, and skills. Almost every job you apply for will ask for a resume. It should be as concise as possible; it has one page length.
Apply for jobs in the medical, scientific or academic field, and they are longer because they include all your previous work, awards, teaching, certifications...
Resume and CV
Both are used to apply for jobs and the main differences are length and purpose
Cover letter
It a letter which purpose is to describe yourself to impress your future employer. You adapt the cover letter to the job and company interests and values. It's more common in US than in Mexico.
It's an evidence that shows all your work or projects you've participated (with brief descriptions)
Careers that use portafolios
Art-related positions, design, architecture, marketing and writing positions.
Basics points any resume must have:
First and last name. Contact information City of current location. Nationality (if its necessary) Profile Professional experience Education Skills Photo (optional)