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The etymology of the word ‘Geography’, the language it derived from? and its meaning?
delivered by the Greeks
Geo=the earth
graphein=to wite
it means writing the earth
locations on the earth where Projections of Global Temperature Increase by 2080 are expected to be greatest
North Pole and Arctic Ocean
The positive and negative feedbacks that will occur in this region, and which of these are thought to be strongest
Positive: When white ice melts, it exposes dark water, which absorbs heat and melts more white ice. When permafrost thaws, frozen plants/animals will decay and release CO2 and CH4.
Negative: Warm temps will make plants grow to absorb CO2
The reasons why the current era has been named as the Anthropocene.
era dominated by human activity and transformation
The time of the year when the sun's rays hit Earth most directly and focus the greatest solar energy at the Tropic of Cancer
Summer solstice: the day on which the northern hemisphere has maximum tilt toward the sun
The time of the year when the sun’s rays hit Earth most directly and focus the greatest solar energy at the Equator
vernal and autummal euinox: neither hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. equal day and night length everywhere in the world
The causes of the ITCZ, and the directions it moves throughout the year.
The two countries that produce the most oil currently, and the two countries with the largest reserves of oil
The example of silver as a resource, what happened to demand for it, and why did that change.
The various means by which both producers and consumers can affect the price of a resource (see Lecture 6 slide)
Know the readings regarding the green new deal and what it consists of.
The two different definitions of the word ‘environment’
The organization that recently declared that we were officially in the Anthropocene. The epoch that we were in before the Anthropocene.
Some of the geological indicators that mark the coming of the Anthropocene
The two different possible future scenarios suggested by the Astronomer Royal of the UK.
The drivers of the Earth’s climate system
The broad locations on Earth where you get a tropical wet climate, tropical dry climate, arid climate, and polar climate.
Causes of Climate Change
temperature is rising due to the emission of GHG's/human activity
Agriculture, Industry, Transport, Energy Supply, Forestry, Water and Waste
mitigation options
- Option 1: Removing the trapped heat in the atmosphere
- Option 2: Increasing the reflecting of the atmosphere
why military is interested in climate change ?
Rising demand for military disaster responses as extreme weather creates more global humanitarian crises
there is a rising demand in military disaster
Threatens naval coastal bases with rising sea levels
Believes climate change is the cause of people joining extremist groups
Temperature trends based on distance from equator
what is the rate of sea level rise in Atlantic City,NJ
two NJ counties MOST vulnerable to future sea level rise? How many people will be affected ?
amount of days that Alantic City expierenced flood events since 1970s and present?
Total amount of barrels spiled from the Deepwater Horizon explosion
The country in West Africa with a quarter of global aluminum resources.
The concept of the 'Resource curse'
.The economist who said that, “resources are not…”.
What this implies for the supposedly 'fixed' finite nature of physical resources
The concept of decoupling - the example country in Europe that has achieved a degree of decoupling in the past 25 years
silver example
silver importance explaining why quantities of natural resources are not permanently fixed, and declining
daily occurrence of temperature and rainfall
long term temperature and rainfall patterns for a region. Climate is driven by the relationship between difgferent locations on the earth and the radiation recieved from the sun
difference between weather and climate
distance and magnitude of region