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Economic Dependency
state’s economy depends on another state
new method of imperialism, usually controls a weaker state’s economy
Public ownership of property under government
Bandung Conference
African and Asian meeting, encouraged colonies to gain independence
Algerian War for Independence
France vs. National Liberation Front in Algeria
Biafran Civil War
War in Nigeria between Nigeria and this secessionist state
African Union
International organization of African States
National Liberation Front
Foguht for freedom of Algeria
Gained independence from Britain in 1963, east African state
gained independence from Britain in 1960, west African state
Partition of India
Part of India split off into East and West Pakistan
Kwame Nkrumah
Called for independence in Ghana
Charles De Gaulle
President of France, fought Algerian War
Jomo Kenyatta
Fought for Kenyan independce
Muslim League
Fought for muslim rights in India
Region on India and Pakistan, fought over
Benazir Bhutto
First female PM of Pakistan
Nelson Mandela
One of the founders of ANC
Used to segregate South Africa
Dutch settlers of South Africa
African people moved to land
Freedom Charter
ANC docutment decalred rights in Africa for black africans
Student uprising asking for more rights and end apartheid
F.W de Klerk
President of South Africa, released Nelson Mandela from prison, opened elections
Take money out of something, used in South Africa to protest
African National Congress
Forms in the ‘40s, called for expansion of African rights and african state independence
Indian National Congress
Better rights for Indians, independence from Britain
Shared experience/culture among Africans, should come together and work
Gold Coast
West Africa
Civil Disobedience
Breaking laws to protest them
Salt March
Civil disobedience led by Ghandi
Amritsar Massacre
British general shot at indians
Satyagraha Movement
Nonviolent resistance movement led by Gandhi
Quit India Movement
Nonviolent protest campaign, demanded British withdrawal from India
Muhammad Al Jinnah
Created Pakistan
Mohandas Gandhi
Led nonviolent independence movements in India
Jawaharlal Nehru
Led Non-aligned movement
La Matanza
El Salvadoran massacre of communist rebels
Emphasizes idea of common people
Good Neighbor Policy
US plan to improve relations Latin America
Progressive Policy
Policies made by Theodore Roosevelt to address social issues
Salvador Allende
First elected Marxist president of Chile, tried to implement socialist policies
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Divided Ottoman territories into spheres of influence between France and Britain
Palestine Liberation Organization
Represents the people of Palestine
Arab League
International organization meant to promote cooperation between Arab states
Suez Crisis
Egypt nationalized Suez Canal, causing Britain, France, and Israel to invade before stopping due to the US
Want of Jewish homeland
Arab Spring
Anti-government protests in Arabic states
Palestinian protest against Israel
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
controlled oil of Iran
Iranian Revolution
Uprising in Iran, resulted in Shah Reza Khan being ousted, and an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Khomeini
Ayatollah Khomeini
First leader of Islamic Iran
The Great Satan
insult used by Muslims towards the US
Separation from religion
State in Middle East, acts as a jewish state after WW2
jewish homeland of zionism
6 day war
After Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to Israel, they invaded
Yom Kippur War
US backed Israel vs USSR backed Egypt and Syria
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Nationalized the Suez Canal
Shah Reza Khan
Staged a coup in Iran and became shah
Mohammad Mossadegh
Democratic leader of Iran, wanted foreign control of oil to end
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
US backed leader of Iran, eventually overthrown
Terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda against the US
Sunni Islamic militant group
Osama bin Laden
Leader of al-Qaeda
Islamic fundamentalist group in Afghanistan after the USSR left
George W. Bush
US president, War on Terror
Implement sharia into government
Saddam Hussien
Dictator of Iraq
The Gulf War
US and allies vs Iraq after Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
Operation Enduring Freedom
First part of War on Terror by US, launched military campaigns in Afghanistan
Sunni muslim extremist group that wanted to establish a caliphate from land taken from Iraq and Syria
The Patriot Act
Increased US surveillance powers to monitor potential terrorist activity after 9/11
The Department of Homeland Security
Founded after 9/11, focused on maintaining domestic security of the US