Instantaneous rate of change
Numerical Interpretation of dervative
Limit of the average rate of change over the interval from c to x as x approaches c
Geometrical interpretation of Derivative
Slope of the tangent line
Definite integral
Product of (b-a) and f(x)
Geometrical interpretation of definite integral
Area under the curve between a and b
Limit of a Product of Functions
limx→c[f(x)* g(x)] = limx→cf(x) * limx→c g(x)
The limit of a product equals the product of the limits
Limit of a sum of functions:
limx→c[f(x)+g(x)]= limx→cf(x) + limx→cg(x)
The limit of a sum equals the sum of the limits
Limit of a Quotient of functions
limx→cf(x)/ limx→cg(x) = limx→cf(x)/ limx→cg(x)
,where lim g(x)≠0. The limit of a quotient equals the quotient of the limits.
Limit of a constant times a function
limx→c[k*f(x)] = k*limx→c f(x)
The limit of a constant times a function equals the constant times the limit
Limit of the identity funtion
limx→c x=c the limit of x as x approaches c is c
Limit of a constant function
If K is a constant, then limx→ck=k
The limit of a constant is a constant
Property of Equal Left and Right Limits
limx→cf(x) exists if and only if limx→c- f(x)=limx→c+f(x)
Definition of Continuity at a Point
f is continuous at x=c if and only if:
f( c ) exists
limx→c f(x) exists, and
limx→c f(x)= f( c )
Horizontal Asymptote
If limx→∞f(x) = L or limx→-∞ f(x) = L, then the line y=L is a horizontal asymptote
Vertical asymptote
If limx→cf(x)= ∞ or limx→c-f(x)= -∞, then the line x=c is a vertical asymptote
Intermediate Value Theorem
If f is continuous for all x in the closed interval [a,b], and y is a number between f(a) and f(b), then there is a number c in the open interval (a,b) for which f(C)=y.
Definition of Derivative at a point (x=c form):
f’(C)= limx→c f(x) - f(C)/ x-c
Meaning: the instantaneous rate of change of f(x) with respect to x at x=c
Definition of Derivative as a Function(Δx or h form)
f’(x) =lim Δx→0 Δy/Δx =limΔx→0 f(x+Δx)-f(x)/Δx
= lim h→0 f(x+h)-f(x)/h
Power Rule
If f(x)=x^n, where n is a constant, then f’(x)=nx^n-1
Derivatives Of a sum of Functions
If f(x)=g(x)+h(x), then f’(x)