December 10 1941 / December 23 1941 / December 8 1941
Japan seized Guam, Wake, and the Philippines + Japan captured British Malaya.
December 7 1941
Pearl Harbor Attack (Honolulu Hawaii)
June 3-6 (1942)
Battle of Midway (first US victory over Japan)
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and led by Admiral Raymond A. Spruance.
December 25 1941
Japan captured British-Chinese HongKong
December 8 1941
Japan captured British Malaya
early 1942
Burma Road is cut off (US supply route to China)
March 1942
Japan conquered Dutch East Indies (oil rich)
General Douglas MacArthur withdrew to Bataan, where 20,000 American troops and many Filipinos resisted until April 9, 1942.
January 23, 1942 / early 1942
Japan invaded New Guinea / Solomon Islands
May 1942
Battle of the Coral Sea
was a significant naval battle that marked the first time in history that aircraft carriers engaged each other in combat, preventing Japanese expansion towards Australia.
slowing down the japanese
August 1942
U.S. forces landed on Guadalcanal Island to protect supply lines to Australia.
1942—> 1943
Aleutian islands invaded by Japan.
the Aleutian Islands (Attu and Kiska) were taken back
November 1943
The Gilbert Islands (Tarawa and Makin) fell after fierce resistanceto U.S. forces during the Central Pacific campaign.
in early 1944.
The Marshall Islands were captured by U.S. forces, marking a significant step in the Pacific Theater.
The Marianas (including Guam) were key for launching B-29 bombing raids on Japan.
June 19, 1944
The assault on the Marianas began with the “Great Marianas Turkey Shoot” destroying 250 Japanese aircraft for a loss of 29 U.S. planes.
Battle of the Philippine Sea
German U-boats / Battle of the Atlantic / 1943
Atlantic Ocean
Hitler's ultramodern submarines operated in "wolf packs," devastating merchant ships in the North Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.
“Enigma” codes, helped pinpoint U-boat positions, boosting Allied anti-submarine tactics.
October 1942
Erwin Rommel’s (german general) advance in North Africa toward the Suez Canal was stopped by British General Bernard Montgomery at El Alamein in October 1942, aided by American Sherman tanks.
turning point for the soviet union
October 1942 / February 1943
Allied victories at alamein and stalingrad end the axis expansion in europe
june 1944
Allied western assault on D-Day
May 7, 1945
Germany surrenders, WW2 ends
January 1943,
At the Casablanca Conference Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to escalate efforts in the Pacific, invade Sicily, and demand "unconditional surrender" from Axis powers.
Allied victory
The Allies captured Sicily in August 1943, leading to Mussolini’s fall and Italy’s unconditional surrender in September 1943.
June 4, 1944
Rome was captured by Allies
D-day June 6, 1944
The D-Day invasion of France on June 6, 1944, overshadowed the Italian campaign, which continued slowly until May 2, 1945, when Axis forces in Italy surrendered.
November 28–December 1, 1943
At the Tehran Conference (November 28–December 1, 1943), Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill agreed on launching simultaneous Soviet attacks from the east and an Allied assault from the west.
American armored divisions, led by General George S. Patton, spearheaded rapid advances across France.
Soviet forces captured Berlin in April 1945
Hitler Death
end of ww2 for germany
The Battle of the Bulge ended in a bloody defeat for Germany, marking its last major offensive.
In March 1945, American forces crossed the Rhine River, seizing an undemolished bridge and advancing rapidly.
By April 1945, American and Soviet troops met at the Elbe River, signaling the encirclement of Germany.
March 1945
Iwo Jima was captured after a 25-day battle, costing over 4,000 American lives but providing a critical base for damaged bombers.
April to June 1945
Okinawa was invaded from
atomic bombs
August 6, 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima
Nagasaki on August 9, 1945