inherent powers
powers not described in the Constitution, but that have been claimed by presidents
executive privilege
the right of the president and other high-ranking executive officers to refuse to testify before Congress or a court
a formal order given by a higher authority; an authorization to act given to a representative
to accuse a public official of misconduct in office
executive order
a rule issued by the president that has the force of law
to refuse to spend
a presidential order that postpones legal punishment
a presidential order that releases a person from legal punishment
a presidential order that pardons a group of people who have committed an offense against the government
one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force
national security
protection of a nation—its lands and people—from foreign threats, whether from governments, organized groups, or individual terrorists
the act of passing legislation into law again
military tribunal
a military court designed to try members of enemy forces during wartime, operating outside the scope of conventional criminal and civil proceedings
a formal agreement between the governments of two or more countries
executive agreement
legally-binding pact between the president and the head of a foreign government that does not require Senate approval
federal reserve system
the central banking system of the United States
council of economic advisers
presidential advisers who study the economy and advise the president on domestic and international economic policies
political patronage
appointment to political office, usually as a reward for helping get a president elected