Paper 1: Unit 1 - Jesus and His Approach to Morality

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Why is the human nature of Jesus important to Christians?

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Why is the human nature of Jesus important to Christians?

It makes him an accessible role model as he went through similar experiences and emotions to us

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In the Bible it says that Jesus “emptied himself, taking the form of” what?

“a servant, being made in human likeness”

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Name 4 things Jesus considered when making moral decisions

The Golden Rule



Treasures in Heaven

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Summarise the Golden Rule

To treat others as you would like to be treated

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Finish the quote “So in everything, do to others..”

“…what you would have them do to you.”

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Name the famous parable that suggests we should show kindness to our enemies

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

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What is agape?

Unconditional love like the love between God and mankind

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How did Jesus demonstrate agape?

He died on the cross to wipe away human sin

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Finish the quote from the Bible “For God so loved the world that he..”

“Gave his one and only son”

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Why does agape help to shape Christians identity?

Jesus told them that by showing unconditional love to others, people would recognise them as his disciples

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Name the ethical theory that uses agape as the only criteria for moral decisions.

Situation Ethics

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What did Fletcher say we can do in order to do the most loving thing?

Break moral laws

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What term refers to the belief that right and wrong will change depending on the situation?


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What religion did Jesus belong to?


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Name the commandment Jesus broke

The Sabbath Law - “Honour the Sabbath Day and keep it holy”

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Finish the quote from Jesus “Sabbath was made for man, not…”

“…man for the Sabbath.”

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Name 1 thing Jesus did that broke Sabbath law.

  1. Allowed his followers to pick crops

  2. Healed the blind man

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How did Jesus justify breaking the Sabbath law?

He saw it as the most loving option

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Finish the quote from Jesus “Do not store up yourself for treasures in on earth but…”

“store yourself up for treasures in Heaven.”

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What did Jesus mean by saying ‘store up for yourself treasures in Heaven’?

Do things that will prepare for the afterlife and earn rewards with God, not the things that bring material or physical benefits on earth

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What does Jesus occasionally call Heaven?

The Kingdom of God

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In which parable is the idea that people who act morally and help those in need will be rewarded whilst those who do bad will be punished?

The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

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What is a potential problem of acting morally to earn rewards in Heaven?

Individuals might not be acting with the right intention but acting purely for reward

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Give 2 reasons Jesus could be seen as a relativist

  1. He broke Sabbath laws to do the most loving thing

  2. He seemed to promote love over the law

  3. He suggested strict laws were difficult to follow

  4. He said love was the most important but this can only be decided in the situation

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Give 2 reasons why some claim Jesus was not a relativist

  1. Jesus never really broke the Sabbath laws as they were his laws and were simply social guidelines

  2. He treated agape like an absolute (fixed law)

  3. Jesus suggested that God’s laws were absolute (fixed) and must be followed to achieve eternal life.

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Martin Luther King Jnr compared Jesus to what?

“an extremist for love.”

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