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Per se
By itself; intrinsically.
Vice versa
To reverse the order of something.
Alma mater
The college or university from which one has graduated.
Magnum opus
The greatest work done by an artist.
Bona fide
Authentic; presented without deception.
Seemingly; partly.
Alter ego
An alternative personality or second self.
Exactly—word for word.
Status quo
The existing state or condition of things.
Exactly as in the original.
Id est (i.e.)
That is; used to clarify a statement.
Deus ex machina
God out of a machine; an improbable resolution in a plot.
Exempli gratia (e.g.)
For the sake of example.
Et cetera
And the others; used to imply continuation.
Ibidem (ibid)
In the same place; used in citations.
Et alii (et al)
Among others; used in references to multiple authors.
De facto
In reality; what is actually the case.
Ipso facto
By the fact itself; something that is true by nature.
Tabula rasa
Clean slate; unaffected by previous experiences.
Terra firma
Firm ground; stable surface.
Mea culpa
My fault; an admission of wrongdoing.
Persona non grata
An unacceptable person; unwelcome.
In vitro
In glass; occurring in laboratory settings.
In vivo
Within the living; biological processes in living bodies.
Ante bellum
Before the war; typically refers to the American Civil War.
Ad nauseam
Done or repeated too often.
Therefore; a conclusion drawn.
Under penalty; a legal order to appear.
Pro bono
For the good; services done free of charge.
Ad hoc
Done quickly to meet the needs of a particular problem.
Per diem
By the day; a daily allowance.
Curriculum vitae
A brief account of education and accomplishments.
Quid pro quo
Something in exchange for something.
Carpe diem
Seize the day; live life to the fullest.
In vino veritas
In wine there is truth.