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Loyalty and devotion to one's nation.
Love or devotion for one's country.
Group sharing common culture and language.
Political entity with sovereignty over territory.
Supreme authority within a territory.
State governing a specific nation.
Right of a nation to govern itself.
Imagined Communities
Concept of nations as socially constructed entities.
Constructivist Approach
Nationalism is socially constructed by group identity.
Common bonds
Shared culture, language, and history among people.
Process of nations gaining independence from colonial rule.
Withdrawal from a state to form a new entity.
Mutual reliance among members of a community.
A group with shared values and rules.
Historical context
Nation's evolution from communities with commonalities.
Racial superiority
Belief in the superiority of one's race.
Ethnic identity
Sense of belonging to a specific ethnic group.
Linguistic unity
Common language as a bond within a nation.
Defined geographical area governed by a state.
System or group governing an organized community.
Common values
Shared beliefs necessary for societal interaction.
Imagined political community with limited boundaries.
Print Capitalism
Book publishing driven by capitalist market expansion.
Imagined Community
Community perceived through shared identity, not direct interaction.
Sovereign Nation
Nation with ultimate authority over its territory.
Publishing Boom
Rapid increase in book production from 1500-1550.
Latin Readers
Initial audience for printed works in Latin.
Adoption of local languages for print and communication.
Catholic response to Protestant Reformation, promoting Latin.
Scholars reviving ancient literature for broader audience.
Language Fixity
Stabilization of language through print media.
Languages of Power
Vernaculars elevated to official administrative languages.
Religious Authority
Latin's dominance in religious contexts without political power.
Print Market Saturation
Point where Latin readership reached its maximum.
Political Legitimacy
Authority derived from Enlightenment and revolutionary ideas.
Monoglot Masses
Population speaking only one language, targeted by publishers.
Protestant Propaganda
Printed materials promoting Protestant beliefs across Europe.
Administrative Centralization
Consolidation of power using specific vernacular languages.
Cultural Fragmentation
Diverse languages reflecting political disunity in Europe.
Print's Permanence
Ability of printed materials to be reproduced indefinitely.
Self-Conscious Language Policies
Awareness of language use for governance and identity.
Imagined Communities
Communities formed through shared narratives and print.
Elastic Boundaries
Nation's limits can expand or contract over time.
Political Nationalism
Emergence of national identities through shared language and culture.
System of production and productive relations.
Technology facilitating communication and information dissemination.
National consciousness
Awareness of shared identity among a nation.
Unified fields of exchange
Integrated systems for trade and communication.
Imagined Community
Concept of collective identity beyond local ties.
Collective Filipino identity
Shared identity among Filipinos transcending local divisions.
Rizal's Reforms
Changes advocated by Rizal for national improvement.
Rizal's Writings
Literary works addressing contemporary and historical issues.
Country love
Patriotic sentiment towards one's nation.
Political policies disruptions
Instability caused by changing government regulations.
Ineffective management leading to injustice.
Racial prejudice
Discrimination based on race or ethnicity.
Forced labor
Compulsory work without fair compensation.
Polo y servicio
Mandatory public service and labor system.
Rule by friars in colonial governance.
Spanish Cortes
Legislative body of Spanish government.
Educated Filipinos advocating for reforms.
Economic growth
Rapid increase in economic activity and production.
Philippine exports
Goods like tobacco and sugar traded abroad.
Suez Canal
Waterway reducing travel time to Europe.
Middle-class rise
Emergence of a socio-economic class in society.
Galleon trade
Historical trade route connecting the Philippines and Mexico.
Agricultural land cultivation
Farming practices aimed at producing crops.
European education
Learning opportunities abroad influencing Filipino reformists.
Agricultural unrest
Growing dissatisfaction among farmers over conditions.
Exploitation of tenants
Increased land rentals and taxes burdening farmers.
Land reform
Changes in land ownership to benefit tenants.
Church donations
Gifts from the church to support landless families.
Transfer of land ownership through family succession.
Uprisings against oppressive land policies.
Adverse events affecting land ownership and farming.
Township formed from several barangays.
Basic political unit in Philippine society.
Chapels in distant barangays visited by priests.
Central barangay housing the main church.
Gridiron pattern
Town layout with rectangular blocks and central plaza.
Industrial powers
Countries driving demand for Philippine agricultural products.
Commercial agriculture
Farming focused on producing goods for trade.
Wealthy elite class in the Philippines.
Tenant renting land for agriculture or livestock.
Chinese Mestizo
Mixed heritage individuals rising in economic status.
Manila-China trade
Exchange of goods between Manila and China.
Ecclesiastical establishments
Church-controlled lands under Spanish rule.
Monastic haciendas
Large church-owned estates dominating land tenure.
Hacienda de Calamba
Jesuit-owned estate significant in agrarian history.
Spanish colonial political system
Hierarchical governance structure established by Spain.
Hacienda de Calamba
Dominican-owned estate in the Tagalog region.
Largest landlords in the Tagalog region during 19th century.
Municipal center that became trade hubs.
Chinese Mestizos
Wealthy leaseholders in colonial agricultural economy.
Arrangement where subtenants share produce with landowners.
Export Economy
Economic growth driven by Western industrial revolution.
Multiethnic Middle Class
Emergence of diverse, educated colonial society members.
Managed infrastructure while Dominicans profited from land.
Production partner in sharecropping agreements.
New Princapales
Wealthy individuals deepening economic and cultural participation.