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The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 was inspired
by the Standard Oil trust and jailed people guilty of creating monopolies
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 and the Interstate Commerce Act
Demonstrated an attempt by the government to regulate big businesses
A movement designed to help poor farmers by using government policies and programs. Framers organized into the Grange, Farmer’s Alliance, and the Populist Party as a farm output increased and prices dropped.
Populist supported: an income tax, free coinage of silver, an eight-hour workday, and government ownership of railroads
Farmed wanted
Subsidies or the government pay them for their losses due to overproduction
The Farmers Alliance developed a politic party (the People’s Party supported:
A national graduated income tax
Government ownership of the transportation and communication industries
Direct election of US senators by popular vote
An 8-hour workday
Limiting the president to one term in office
Restrictions on immigration
The secret ballot
Populists believe
Currency reform (bimetallism) would solve the US economic problems. Bimetallism is the practice of backing money with gold and silver. US currency was worth more which meant American farmers had to repay loans with money that was worth more than the amount of the debt.
William Jennings Bryan
Made a speech (cross of gold) supporting bimetallism
Populist joined
The Farmer’s Alliance, wanted free silver money, were rural people and farmers, and formed in the late 19th century or 1800s
Labor unions
Organizations of workers and grew to help employees resist being treated poorly by big business ownersd
During strikes
Workers refuse to go to work until their employer meets certain demands. (Higher wages or better working conditions)
The Knights of Labor
Wanted to organize all working men and women into one Union. They supported social reforms, such as equal pay for equal work, the 8 hour workday, and an end to child labor
The Great Railway Strike of 1877
Caused President Rutherford B. Hayes to send in federal troops to end the strike. Anarchists were blamed for the violence of the strike
The Haymarket Riot
Turned violent when someone threw a bomb at policeT
The Homestead Strike
Occurred at Carneige Steel plant. The Pinkertons were used to put down the strike. An anarchist tried to assassinate a Carneige boss, Henry Frick
The Pullman Strike
Set a precedent for employers turning the courts for injunctions
The American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Unionized skilled workers, opposed immigration, and focused on wages and working hours and conditions
Collective bargaining
Required Union and management officials to meet to discuss terms of a new contract
The US Government
Supported big business over the interest of the lower class
Farmer’s alliance
Rural Farmer
Late 19th Century
Early 20th Century
Upton Sinclair
Urban, Industrial