Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary level G Unit 15

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that which is pleasant or agreeable, attractive features, customs

Antonyms, unpleasantness, disagreeableness

<p>that which is pleasant or agreeable, attractive features, customs <br><br>Antonyms, unpleasantness, disagreeableness</p>
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the opening, gap, hole, orifice

Antonyms, closure blockage, occlusion

<p>the opening, gap, hole, orifice <br><br>Antonyms, closure blockage, occlusion</p>
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a difference of opinion, discontent
Synonyms: disagreement, dissent, disaffection

Antonyms: agreement, harmony, concord

<p>a difference of opinion, discontent <br>Synonyms: disagreement, dissent, disaffection <br><br>Antonyms: agreement, harmony, concord</p>
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devoted to the pursuit of pleasure: fond of good food, comfort, and ease, with discriminating tastes, a person with discriminating tastes

Synonyms: hedonistic, sybaritic, discriminating

Antonyms: ascetic, self-denying, abstemious

<p>devoted to the pursuit of pleasure: fond of good food, comfort, and ease, with discriminating tastes, a person with discriminating tastes <br><br>Synonyms: hedonistic, sybaritic, discriminating <br><br>Antonyms: ascetic, self-denying, abstemious</p>
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not thrifty, failing to plan ahead

Synonyms: prodigal, spendthrift, extravagant

Antonyms: thrifty, frugal, economical, cautious

<p>not thrifty, failing to plan ahead <br><br>Synonyms: prodigal, spendthrift, extravagant <br><br>Antonyms: thrifty, frugal, economical, cautious</p>
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wickedness, sin, a grossly immoral act

Synonyms: evil, crime

Antonyms probity, rectitude, uprightness

<p>wickedness, sin, a grossly immoral act <br><br>Synonyms: evil, crime <br><br>Antonyms probity, rectitude, uprightness</p>
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sacred, of such a character that it must not be broken, injured, or profaned

Synonyms: sacrosanct, unassailable

Antonyms: vulnerable, assailable

<p>sacred, of such a character that it must not be broken, injured, or profaned <br><br>Synonyms: sacrosanct, unassailable <br><br>Antonyms: vulnerable, assailable</p>
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open to or capable of change, fickle

Synonyms: changeable, variable

Antonyms: changeless, steadfast, constant

<p>open to or capable of change, fickle <br><br>Synonyms: changeable, variable <br><br>Antonyms: changeless, steadfast, constant</p>
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just beginning to exist or develop, having just come into existence

Synonyms: budding, incipient, embryonic

Antonyms: dying moribund, senescent

<p>just beginning to exist or develop, having just come into existence <br><br>Synonyms: budding, incipient, embryonic <br><br>Antonyms: dying moribund, senescent</p>
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a deep bow or other body movement indicating respect or submission, deference, homage

Synonyms: respect, honor

Antonyms: disrespect, irreverence, disregard

<p>a deep bow or other body movement indicating respect or submission, deference, homage <br><br>Synonyms: respect, honor <br><br>Antonyms: disrespect, irreverence, disregard</p>
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formal or elaborate praise, a tribute

Synonyms: encomium, testimonial

Antonyms: diatribe, tirade, philippic

<p>formal or elaborate praise, a tribute <br><br>Synonyms: encomium, testimonial <br><br>Antonyms: diatribe, tirade, philippic</p>
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a device for publicly punishing offenders, a means for exposing one to public contempt or ridicule,

Antonyms: praise, extol, laud, acclaim

<p>a device for publicly punishing offenders, a means for exposing one to public contempt or ridicule, <br><br>Antonyms: praise, extol, laud, acclaim</p>
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a woefully meager allowance, wage or portion

Synonyms: modicum, trifle

Antonyms: fortune

<p>a woefully meager allowance, wage or portion <br><br>Synonyms: modicum, trifle <br><br>Antonyms: fortune</p>
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to foreshadow or point to a future event, to predict, a warning or indication of the future

Synonyms: augur, portend, foretell

<p>to foreshadow or point to a future event, to predict, a warning or indication of the future <br><br>Synonyms: augur, portend, foretell</p>
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descendants, offspring, children, followers, disciples

Synonyms: issue, posterity

Antonyms: ancestors, forebears, antecedents

<p>descendants, offspring, children, followers, disciples <br><br>Synonyms: issue, posterity <br><br>Antonyms: ancestors, forebears, antecedents</p>
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to proclaim or issue officially, to make known far and wide

Synonyms: announce

Antonyms: withdraw, retract, abrogate, nullify

<p>to proclaim or issue officially, to make known far and wide <br><br>Synonyms: announce <br><br>Antonyms: withdraw, retract, abrogate, nullify</p>
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uprightness, righteousness, correctness

Synonyms: probity, integrity

Antonyms iniquity, heinousness

<p>uprightness, righteousness, correctness <br><br>Synonyms: probity, integrity <br><br>Antonyms iniquity, heinousness</p>
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restless, hard to manage, balky

Synonyms: uneasy, figety, recalcitrant

Antonyms: serene, unruffled, docile

<p>restless, hard to manage, balky <br><br>Synonyms: uneasy, figety, recalcitrant <br><br>Antonyms: serene, unruffled, docile</p>
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angelic, heavenly, celestial

Synonyms: cherubic

Antonyms: devilish, impish

<p>angelic, heavenly, celestial <br><br>Synonyms: cherubic <br><br>Antonyms: devilish, impish</p>
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to have existence, to remain alive, manage to make a living or maintain life: to persist or continue

Synonyms: last, survive, sustain

<p>to have existence, to remain alive, manage to make a living or maintain life: to persist or continue <br><br>Synonyms: last, survive, sustain</p>
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