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U.S pharmacopeia
Contains standards for medicine, dosage forms, drug substance excipients, biologicals, compounds preparations, medical devices, diatary supplements
American Drug Index
Contains brand to generic name cross referencing, available medications dosage forms, and manufacturer name, address, and phone number
Orange Book
Identifies drug products approved on the basis of safety and effectiveness by the FDA
Physicians desk references
Contains a collection of written and pictorial information that is provided and paid for by pharmaceutical manufacturers
Facts and comparison
Provides up to date information on over 22,000 RX and 6,000 OTC products grouped by therapeutic category
Red Book
Provides allow comprehensive access to current and accurate drug pricing and description information, including dosage forms, package sizes etc.
Form 222
Used to order schedule II-controlled substances
Form 224
Pharmacies that dispense controlled substances must register with DEA with this form
Form 225
Used to distribute controlled substances
Form 363
Used to manage controlled substance treatment program or compound-controlled substance
Form 41
Used to authorization to destroy damage, outdate, or unwanted controlled substances
Daw 0
No product selection indicated (filled generic Rx), no specification
Daw 1
Substitution NOT allowed by prescriber (Brand name NEEEDED)
Insurance will cover
Daw 2
Substitution allowed PATIENT request product dispense
Insurance will NOT cover
Daw 3
Substitution allowed PHARMACIST selected product dispense
Daw 4
Substitution allowed generic not in stock (let patient if available elsewhere)
Daw 5
Substitution allowed, brand dispensed as generic
Daw 6
Daw 7
Substitution NOT allowed, brand drug is mandated by law
Daw 8
Substitution allowed, generic not available in marketplace (no generic drug available, ORPHAN DRUGS) ( made quickly )
Daw 9
1906 Pure food and drug act
prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drug
1914 Harrisons narcotics act
it prevent use the recreational use of opium
1938 food and drug cosmetic act
Describe the exact labeling for product and defines misbranding and adulteration as illegal
1951 Durham Humphrey Amendment
Established the distinction so called legend (prescription) drugs and OTC (nonprescription) drugs
1962 Keauver Harris Act
Attempts to ensure to safety and effectiveness of all new drugs on the U.S market
1970 Comprehensive Drug Abuse, Prevention, and control act
Enforce the laws concerning controlled substances and their distribution
1970 Poison and prevention act
Required the use of child resistant packaging for RX drugs, OTC drugs
1983 Orphan Drug Act
Encouraged drug companies to develop drugs for rare disease by providing research assistance, grant, and cost incentives to manufacturer
1990 OBRA 90
Orally, written, and by pharmacist only
1996 Health insurance probability and accountability act (HIPAA)
Patient privacy
Copy 1 of Form 222
Copy 2 of Form 222
Copy 3 of From 222
Medicare A
covers hospital stays
Medicare B
Covers DME (test strips, needles, vaccines)
Medicare C
Covers additional insurance
Medicare D
Covers drugs and as of January 1, 2023 covers vaccines (RSV, Shingles,Tdap)
Need referral
Can pick provider
Work component
for injured on the job
Can continue insurance with employer if terminated or leave job (up to 18 months)
Fat soluble vitamins
A, D, E, K
Water soluble vitamins
B, C
Aspirin and vitamin K
What should NOT be taking with warfarin?
Children and Pregnant woman
Who is allowed to take Tyleno (Acetaminophen)?
Permethrin (Remember it rhymes with Piojos)
What is the treatment for lice?
In the fridge
Xalantan (Latanoprost) should be kept where?
What are consider NSAIDS
-20 C and -10 C (-4 F and 14 F)
What is the temperature that a Freezer in a pharmacy should be to?
2 to 8 Celsius ( 36 to 46 Fahrenheit)
What is the temperature that a fridge should be set to in a pharmacy?
No longer than 6 Months
What is the Beyond- Use Date for a Non water based oral?
14 days
What is the beyond use date for water containing oral?
30 beyond use dates
What is the beyond use date for oral or creams?
1- manufacture
2- list dosage form
3-package size
What do each set of numbers of the NDC number means?